Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Combat Photo Book about German WWII Poland Campaign 1939

Combat Photo Book abou German WWII Poland Campaign 1939

Dzisiaj kupilem ksiazke i przekarze dla Muzeum Powstania Warszwwskiego

Combat Photo Book abou German WWII Poland Campaign
Alex Lech Bajan
Polish American since 1987
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Pracodawcy waszyngtońscy Radka Sikorskiego, „American Enterprise Institute” wypuścili jako „próbny balonik” kandydaturę kabały talmudycznej, na wybory

Pracodawcy waszyngtońscy Radka Sikorskiego, „American Enterprise Institute” wypuścili jako „próbny balonik” kandydaturę kabały talmudycznej, na wybory

Pracodawcy waszyngtońscy Radka Sikorskiego, „American Enterprise Institute” wypuścili jako „próbny balonik” kandydaturę kabały talmudycznej, na wybory prezydenta w USA, w osobach John’a McCain’a i wiceprezydenta Joseph’a Lieberman’a: pierwszy to kukła w rękach syjonistów i przemysłu naftowego, a drugi zaciekły talmudysta nawołujący do ataku USA na Iran.

McCain już ogłaszał jego plany okupacji Iraku na następne sto lat, żeby mieć dosyć czasu na rabunek paliwa z irakijskich pól ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego, a jednocześnie ubezpieczać ekstremistów izraelskich w ich konflikcie z Arabami. Natomiast Lieberman, „demokrata,” stracił poparcie partii demokratycznej z powodu jego nawoływania do nie-kończącej się pacyfikacji Iraku i do ataku na Iran. Wówczas Lieberman stał się „niezależnym” kandydatem na senatora i wygrał dzięki lobby Izraela.

Ben J. Wattenberg, planista z wyżej wymienionego neokonserwatywnego instytutu, wypuścił 22go lutego, 2008, jako „próbny balonik” kandydaturę kabały talmudycznej, na wybory prezydenta w USA, John’a McCain’a i na wiceprezydenta Joseph’a Lieberman’a, w artykule pod tytułem: „Dlaczego nie McCain-Lieberman ‘ticket’ (wyborcza spółka)?” Chodzi o to żeby Lieberman, wierny talmudysta, spełniał rolę „mózgu” McCain’a, oraz znalazł się jako pierwszy w linii następstwa na pozycję prezydenta USA.

Wattenberg twierdzi, że Liebreman już nie jest demokratą, chociaż bierze udział w naradach partii demokratycznej, z której wypędzono go z powodu jego nawoływania do wojny. Natomiast starzy Żydzi słuchających przemówień Lieberman’a przepowiadają, że on będzie prezydentem USA, dzięki poparciu lobby Izraela i religijnych talmudystów, udających, że zależy im na bezpieczeństwie Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Poza tym, jakoby Lieberman przyciągałby demokratów do głosowania na republikanów, zwłaszcza na Florydzie, która może przeważyć szalę na rzecz republikanów mimo tego, że większość Amerykanów jest przeciwna przeciąganiu okupacji Iraku i nowej wojnie przeciwko Iranowi. Narazie Lieberman zaklina się, że nie ubiega się o kandydowanie u boku McCain’a, ale planuje wziąć udział w zjeździe partii republikańskiej w czasie zatwierdzania, kto ma kandydować z ramienia tej partii.

Patriota Izraela, Lieberman twierdzi, że jest patriotą USA, który zaakceptowałby pozycję wice-prezydenta w rządzie McClain’a. Wattenberg przypuszcza, że McCain powinien przynajmniej zaoferować Lieberamnowi stanowisko sekretarza stanu, lub ministra obrony, na wypadek jego zwycięstwa w wyborach. Jednak Wattenberg twierdzi że taki układ wymaga starań, ponieważ jako wpływowy senator Lieberman, może woleć bronić interesów Izraela z pozycji senatora.

Według Wattenberga, jeżeli senator Barack Obama i senator Hilary Clinton będą niszczyć się wzajemnie w walce o głosy demokratów, to na tej walce mogą skorzystać republikanie i dla tego John McCain będzie następnym prezydentem USA. Wattenberg przygotowuje do druku książkę pod tytułem: „Walka na Słowa – Jak Liberałowie Stworzyli Neo-Konserwatyzm.”

Tymczasem wiadomo, że Irving Kristol i Norma Podhoretz, trockiści nawróceni na radykalny syjonizm, są twórcami ideologii neo-konserwatyzmu i głosicielami wojny permanentnej o demokrację (fasadową), tak jak kiedyś Leon Trocky nawoływał do wojny permanentnej o komunizm. Obecnie kandydatami kabały Wattenberga są John McCain i Joseph Lieberman.

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

Born Sept. 3, 1921
Lwów, Poland

in Dec 1939 left Warsaw. Dec 30, 1939 arrested by Ukrainians serving the Gestapo in Dukla, then transferred to Barwinek, Krosno, Jaslo, Tarnów, Oswiecim, arrived in Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen on Aug. 10, 1940.

April 19, 1945 started on the Death March of Brandenburg from Sachsenhausen; escaped gunfire of SS-guards and arrived to Schwerin and freedom on May 2, 1945.

September 1945 arrived in Brussels, Belgium; obtained admission as a regular student at the Catholic University: Institute Superieur de Commerce, St. Ignace in Antwerp.

in 1954 graduated in Civil Engineering at the top of his class. Was invited to join honorary societies: Tau Beta Pi (general engineering honorary society), Phi Kappa Phi (academic honorary society equivalent to Phi Beta Kappa), Pi Mu (mechanical engineering honorary society), and Chi Epsilon (civil engineering honorary society). Taught descriptive geometry at the University of Tennessee;

in 1955 graduated with M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering.

in 1955 started working for Shell Oil Company in New Orleans. After one year of managerial training was assigned to design of marine structures for drilling and production of petroleum.

in 1960 started working for Texaco Research and Development in Houston, Texas as a Project Engineer. Authored total of 50 American and foreign patents on marine structures for the petroleum industry;
wrote an article: The Rise and Fall of the Polish Commonwealth - A Quest for a Representative Government in Central and Eastern Europe in the 14th to 18th Centuries. Started to work on a Tabular History of Poland.

in 1972 moved to Blacksburg, Virginia. During the following years worked as Consulting Engineer for Texaco, also taught in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University as Adjunct Professor in the College of Civil Engineering teaching courses on marine structures of the petroleum industry. Designed and supervised the construction of a hill top home for his family, also bought 500 acre ranch (near Thomas Jefferson National Forest) where he restored 200 years old mill house on a mountain stream.

in 1978 prepared Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. The dictionary included a Tabular History of Poland, Polish Language, People, and Culture as well as Pogonowski's phonetic symbols for phonetic transcriptions in English and Polish at each dictionary entry; the phonetic explanations were illustrated with cross-sections of speech (organs used to pronounce the sounds unfamiliar to the users). It was the first dictionary with phonetic transcription at each Polish entry for use by English speakers

in 1981 prepared Practical Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1983 prepared Concise Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. Wrote an analysis of Michael Ch ci ski's Poland, Communism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism. Also selected crucial quotations from Norman Davies' God's Playground - A History of Poland on the subject of the Polish indigenous democratic process.

in 1985 prepared Polish-English Standard Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. Also prepared a revised and expanded edition of the Concise Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, also published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1987 prepared Poland: A Historical Atlas on Polish History and Prehistory including 200 maps and graphs as well as Chronology of Poland's Constitutional and Political Development, and the Evolution of Polish Identity - The Milestones. An introductory chapter was entitled Poland the Middle Ground. Aloysius A. Mazewski President of Polish-American Congress wrote an introduction. The Atlas was published by Hippocrene Books Inc. and later by Dorset Press of the Barnes and Noble Co. Inc. which sends some 30 million catalogues to American homes including color reproduction of book covers. Thus, many Americans were exposed to the cover of Pogonowski's Atlas showing the range of borders of Poland during the history - many found out for the firsttime that Poland was an important power in the past. Total of about 30,000 atlases were printed so far.

In 1988 the publication of Poland: A Historical Atlas resulted in a number of invitations extended by several Polonian organizations to Iwo Pogonowski to present Television Programs on Polish History. Pogonowski responded and produced over two year period 220 half-hour video programs in his studio at home (and at his own expense.) These programs formed a serial entitled: Poland, A History of One Thousand Years. Total of over 1000 broadcasts of these programs were transmitted by cable television in Chicago, Detroit-Hamtramck, Cleveland, and Blacksburg.

in 1990-1991 translated from the Russian the Catechism of a Revolutionary of 1869 in which crime has been treated as a normal part of the revolutionary program. Started preparation of the Killing the Best and the Brightest: A Chronology of the USSR-German Attempt to Behead the Polish Nation showing how the USSR became a prototype of modern totalitarian state, how this prototype was adapted in Germany by the Nazis.

in 1991 prepared Polish Phrasebook, Polish Conversations for Americans including picture code for gender and familiarity, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1991 prepared English Conversations for Poles with Concise Dictionary published by Hippocrene Books Inc. By then a total of over 100,000 Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionaries written by Pogonowski were sold in the United States and abroad.

in 1992 prepared a Dictionary of Polish, Latin, Hebrew, and Yiddish Terms used in Contacts between Poles and Jews. It was prepared for the history of Jews in Poland as well as 115 maps and graphs and 172 illustrations, paintings, drawings, and documents, etc. of Jewish life in Poland. This material was accompanied by proper annotations.

in 1993 prepared Jews in Poland, Rise of the Jews as a Nation from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. in 3000 copies. Foreword was written by Richard Pipes, professor of history at Harvard University, and Pogonowski's school mate in the Keczmar school in Warsaw. Part I included: a Synopsis of 1000 Year History of Jews in Poland; the 1264 Statute of Jewish Liberties in Poland in Latin and English translation; Jewish Autonomy in Poland 1264-1795; German Annihilation of the Jews. In appendixes are documents and illustrations. An Atlas is in the Part III. It is divided as follows: Early Jewish Settlements 966-1264; The Crucial 500 Years, 1264-1795; Competition (between Poles and Jews) Under Foreign Rule, 1795-1918; The Last Blossoming of Jewish Culture in Poland, 1918-1939; German Genocide of the Jews, 1940-1944; Jewish Escape from Europe 1945-1947 - The End of European (Polish) Phase of Jewish History (when most of world's Jewry lived in Europe). Pogonowski began to write a new book starting with the Chronology of the Martyrdom of Polish Intelligentsia during World War II and the Stalinist Terror; the book in preparation was entitled Killing the Best and the Brightest.

in 1995 prepared Dictionary of Polish Business, Legal and Associated Terms for use with the new edition of the Practical Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionary and later to be published as a separate book.

in 1996 Pogonowski's Poland: A Historical Atlas; was translated into Polish; some 130 of the original 200 maps printed in color; the Chronology of Poland was also translated into Polish. The Atlas was published by Wydawnictwo Suszczy ski I Baran in Kraków in 3000 copies; additional publications are expected. Prepared Polish-English, Eglish-Polish Compact Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1997 finished preparation of the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics including over 200,000 entries, in three volumes on total of 4000 pages; it is published by Hippocrene Books Inc; the Polish title is: Uniwesalny S ownik Polsko-Angielski. Besides years of work Pogonowski spent over $50,000 on computers, computer services, typing, and proof reading in order to make the 4000 page dictionary camera ready; assisted in the preparation of second edition of Jews in Poland, Rise of the Jews from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel published in fall of 1997. Prepared computer programs for English-Polish Dictionary to serve as a companion to the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary printed by the end of May 1997.

in 1998 Pogonowski organized preparation of CD ROM for the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary, Practical English-Polish Dictionary, Polish Phrasebook for Tourists and Travelers to Poland, all published earlier by Iwo C. Pogonowski. The Phrasebook includes 280 minutes of bilingual audio read by actors. Started preparation for a new edition of Poland: A Historical Atlas. New Appendices are being prepared on such subjects as: Polish contribution to Allied's wartime intelligence: the breaking of the Enigma Codes, Pune Munde rocket production; Poland's contribution to the international law since 1415; Poland's early development of rocket technology such as Polish Rocketry Handbook published in 1650 in which Poles introduced for the first time into the world's literature concepts of multiple warheads, multistage rockets, new controls in rocket flight, etc. Poland's Chronology is being enlarged to reflect the mechanisms of subjugation of Polish people by the Soviet terror apparatus. Continued preparation of the Killing the Best and the Brightest: A Chronology of the USSR-German Attempt to Behead the Polish Nation, including the 1992 revelations from Soviet archives as well as the current research in Poland. Continued preparation of two-volume English Polish Dictionary, a companion to the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary published in 1997. Reviewed Upiorna Dekada by J. T. Gross.

in 1999 Pogonowski continued writing Poland - An Illustrated History and preparing for it 21 maps and diagrams and 89 illustrations.

in 2000 Pogonowski prepared, in a camera ready form, Poland - An Illustrated History; it was published by Hippocrene Books Inc. NY 2000 and recommended by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor under President Carter, as "An important contribution to the better understanding of Polish history, which demonstrates in a vivid fashion the historical vicissitudes of that major European nation."

Opór przeciwko wyrzutniom "Tarczy" by Prof. Iwo Pogonowski USA

Opór przeciwko wyrzutniom "Tarczy" by Prof. Iwo Pogonowski USA

Opór przeciwko wyrzutniom "Tarczy"

Szerzy się opór przeciwko amerykańskim wyrzutniom „Tarczy” w Polsce, o cztery minuty lotu pocisku od Moskwy. Nie ma entuzjazmu dla tego programu w Waszyngtonie. W maju 2007 komitet służb wojskowych senatu USA zmniejszył o 85 milionów dolarów budżet na rok 2008, przeznaczony na przygotowanie terenu i budowę wyrzutni „Tarczy” w Polsce i dalekiego zasięgu radaru w Czechach. Wcześniej w maju 2007 izba deputowanych zmniejszyła o 160 milionów dolarów fundusze prezydenta Bush’a na budowę systemu „Tarczy.”
Oficjalnym powodem tych obniżek był fakt, że pociski systemu „Tarczy” nie były wystarczająco sprawdzone, oraz obawa, że publiczna opozycja Czechów i Polaków, może uniemożliwić budowę tych instalacji. Obniżki budżetowe na system „Tarczy” są sygnałem dla oponentów w Polsce, Czechach, Unii Europejskiej i w USA, żeby się porozumieli w celu żądania likwidacji tego programu, który przyczynia się do nuklearnego wyścigu zbrojeń i stanowi dalszą ekspansję zadłużonego amerykańskiego imperium.
Według analityka polityki zagranicznej USA, Chalmers’a Johnson’a, w 2004 roku było 737 amerykańskich baz na świecie nie wliczając Kosowa, Afganistanu, Iraku oraz wojskowych i szpiegowskich baz USA na terenie W.Brytanii. „Tarcza” w Polsce jest częścią strategii budowy imperium globalnego USA.
Strategie tą rząd Bush’a chciałby sfinalizować, w przeciągu kilku najbliższych miesięcy. Opozycja po obu stronach Atlantyku stara się ten program wykoleić i organizuje protesty na czas wizyty w USA ministra Mirka Opolanka w lutym i premiera Donald’a Tusk’a w marcu 2008.
Johnson uważa, że nuklearny system „Tarczy” podniósłby zagrożenia nuklearne dla życia w Polsce i wzmocniłby tylko chwilowo pozycję siły USA, co spowodowałby nową Zimną Wojnę między USA i Rosją sprzymierzoną militarnie z Chinami. Program „Tarczy” powinien być zatrzymany, ponieważ wzmagałby on zagrożenie świata wojną nuklearną. Na tle tych dyskusji budowa „Tarczy” w Polsce nie jest wcale pewna, chociaż Polska już ponosi straty w eksporcie do Rosji właśnie z powodu „Tarczy.”
Rosja nadal posiada arsenał nuklearny, którym może zniszczyć USA w pół godziny, za ceną zniszczenia Rosji w tym samym czasie. Na początku władzy Putina standartowa baryłka ropy naftowej kosztowała 9 dolarów, a obecnie kosztuje sto dolarów, w dużej mierze z powodu napadu USA na Irak i zaczepnej polityki przeciwko Iranowi, jak też wielkiemu wzrostowi popytu na paliwo Chin i Indii.
Jednostronne niszczenie układów rozbrojeniowych przez rząd Bush’a, poprzedziło projekt „Tarczy,” wyraźnie skierowany przeciwko Rosji. Początkowo w Pentagonie była nadzieja, że projekt ten będzie finansowany przez Unię Europejską. Tak się nie stało i teraz Polska i Czechy. są pod presją przyjęcia tych instalacji, jako państwa słabe i przywykłe do obcej dominacji.
Rosja natomiast wypowiedziała traktaty ograniczające uzbrojenie w Europie, wobec możliwości zastosowania wyrzutni w Polsce przez USA, w celu zniszczenia ośrodków kontroli i dowodzenia w Moskwie, oddalonej o cztery minuty lotu pocisku od Polski. Naturalnie nikt nie bierze poważnie „zagrożenia USA przez Iran.”
W Czechach opozycja przeciwko instalacji radaru systemu „Tarczy” jest zorganizowana lepiej niż w Polsce. W Czechach 70% ludzi, a w Polsce ponad 60% jest przeciwnych instalacji Tarczy. Czeska opozycja jest lepiej zorganizowana i domaga się ogólno-narodowego referendum w tej sprawie i stwierdza, że plan „Tarczy” przyczynia się do wzrostu zagrożenia wojną nuklearną i w ogóle daje USA możność umieszczenia Polski i Czech na frontowych pozycjach, w przyszłych wojnach zaczynanych przez USA.
Wobec możliwości zainstalowania rakiet USA blisko Moskwy, Rosja grozi ustawieniem blisko Polski automatycznych pocisków z głowicami nuklearnymi, żeby nie dopuścić do wystrzału rakiet amerykańskich, wycelowanych w ośrodki kontroli i dowodzenia armii rosyjskiej. Na wypadek fałszywego alarmu, Polska może być zdewastowana i obrócona w teren radio-aktywny, poczym Waszyngton i Moskwa mogą sobie wzajemnie wyjaśnić, że zaszła omyłka i uniknąć wzajemnego bombardowania nuklearnego.
Projekt „Tarczy” jest jak dotąd głównie narzędziem politycznym a nie militarnym. Polska i Czechy są tylko pionkami do poświęcenia na światowej szachownicy politycznej i dlatego opór czeski i polski przeciwko wyrzutniom i radarowi systemu „Tarczy” jest uzasadniony.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Helena Wolińska-Brus pozbawiona orderów – przypomnienie

Helena Wolińska-Brus pozbawiona orderów – przypomnienie

Pałac Prezydencki

W związku z przygotowywanym przez prokuratorów Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej wnioskiem o wydanie europejskiego nakazu aresztowania Heleny Wolińskiej-Brus, oskarżonej o zbrodnie komunistyczne przypominamy, iż Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Lech Kaczyński postanowieniem z 18 sierpnia 2006 r. pozbawił Helenę Wolińską-Brus Krzyża Komandorskiego Orderu Odrodzenia Polski, nadanego uchwałą Rady Państwa z 19 lipca 1954 r. oraz Krzyża Kawalerskiego Orderu Odrodzenia Polski, nadanego uchwałą Krajowej Rady Narodowej z 10 października 1945 r.

ZBRODNIE (ŻYDO)KOMUNISTÓW- "Rabin kontra prof. Nowak" 1/2

ZBRODNIE (ŻYDO)KOMUNISTÓW- "Rabin kontra prof. Nowak" 1/2

Friday, February 22, 2008



Marek Grechuta - Ojczyzna

Marek Grechuta - Ojczyzna

Cuban compensation would be crazy

Cuban compensation would be crazy
Imagine if wealthy Central and Eastern Europeans -- whose wealth was confiscated after the Second World War -- convinced Brussels to financially strangle the new European democracies after the Iron Curtain dropped until they coughed up on ancient land claims?
The Cuban embargoes, and demands for restitution from its impoverished people, is equivalent to holding Poland or the Czechs and Hungarians to ransom for regimes they could not overthrow.
It is especially perplexing, and unjustifiable, given that Washington has forgiven another Cold War enemy -- Vietnam where 60,000 Americans died. That country has been brought into the global economic fold, and recognized by Washington even though it remains an undemocratic, communist nation with questionable human rights protections.
But Cuba is an irrational corner of American policy-wonking, and the beat goes on. Here are statements on Tuesday by America’s four most prominent politicians after news of Castro’s resignation reached them:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thomas H. Quinn

Thomas H. Quinn



Washington, DC

(202) 344-8300 (fax)

Practice Areas

Legislative and Government Affairs
Congressional Investigations


Banking and Financial Services

Practice Focus

Mr. Quinn focuses on legislative and administrative matters, with emphasis on financial institutions, insurance, health care, and matters involving the Federal Reserve Board, the Comptroller of the Currency, the United States Treasury and the Banking, Finance, Commerce, Energy, and Ways and Means Committees of the United States Senate and House of Representatives.


L.L.B., Georgetown University Law Center, 1963
A.B., Providence College, 1959

Bar Admissions

District of Columbia
Rhode Island

Client Benefits

Mr. Quinn specializes in legislative and administrative matters. He began his career as counsel to the Comptroller of the Currency in the U.S. Treasury Department. In this role, he was actively involved in the development and facilitation of federal policy related to banking practices in the United States. Immediately prior to joining Venable as a General Partner, Mr. Quinn served as a General Partner at O’Connor & Hannan, LLP.


Mr. Quinn has been an active participant in political affairs. He served in the presidential campaigns of the late Hubert H. Humphrey and Edward M. Kennedy, and has been continuously active in efforts supporting the Democratic National Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Mr. Quinn served on the Board of International Broadcasting from 1974 to 1982, having been appointed by Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter. In 1993, Mr. Quinn was appointed by President Clinton as the Alternate U.S. Observer to the International Fund for Ireland.

Member, District of Columbia Bar Association; Member, Rhode Island Bar Association; Member, American Bar Association

Nieznane początki niemieckiego obozu Auschwitz BBC

Nieznane początki niemieckiego obozu Auschwitz BBC

Nieznane początki niemieckiego obozu Auschwitz
sprzeczne z propagandą lansowaną przez żydowski ruch roszczeniowy. Prof. IC Pogonwski http://www.pogonowski.com...Auschwitz Germany Reich BBC historia

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

Born Sept. 3, 1921
Lwów, Poland

in Dec 1939 left Warsaw. Dec 30, 1939 arrested by Ukrainians serving the Gestapo in Dukla, then transferred to Barwinek, Krosno, Jaslo, Tarnów, Oswiecim, arrived in Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen on Aug. 10, 1940.

April 19, 1945 started on the Death March of Brandenburg from Sachsenhausen; escaped gunfire of SS-guards and arrived to Schwerin and freedom on May 2, 1945.

September 1945 arrived in Brussels, Belgium; obtained admission as a regular student at the Catholic University: Institute Superieur de Commerce, St. Ignace in Antwerp.

in 1954 graduated in Civil Engineering at the top of his class. Was invited to join honorary societies: Tau Beta Pi (general engineering honorary society), Phi Kappa Phi (academic honorary society equivalent to Phi Beta Kappa), Pi Mu (mechanical engineering honorary society), and Chi Epsilon (civil engineering honorary society). Taught descriptive geometry at the University of Tennessee;

in 1955 graduated with M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering.

in 1955 started working for Shell Oil Company in New Orleans. After one year of managerial training was assigned to design of marine structures for drilling and production of petroleum.

in 1960 started working for Texaco Research and Development in Houston, Texas as a Project Engineer. Authored total of 50 American and foreign patents on marine structures for the petroleum industry;
wrote an article: The Rise and Fall of the Polish Commonwealth - A Quest for a Representative Government in Central and Eastern Europe in the 14th to 18th Centuries. Started to work on a Tabular History of Poland.

in 1972 moved to Blacksburg, Virginia. During the following years worked as Consulting Engineer for Texaco, also taught in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University as Adjunct Professor in the College of Civil Engineering teaching courses on marine structures of the petroleum industry. Designed and supervised the construction of a hill top home for his family, also bought 500 acre ranch (near Thomas Jefferson National Forest) where he restored 200 years old mill house on a mountain stream.

in 1978 prepared Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. The dictionary included a Tabular History of Poland, Polish Language, People, and Culture as well as Pogonowski's phonetic symbols for phonetic transcriptions in English and Polish at each dictionary entry; the phonetic explanations were illustrated with cross-sections of speech (organs used to pronounce the sounds unfamiliar to the users). It was the first dictionary with phonetic transcription at each Polish entry for use by English speakers

in 1981 prepared Practical Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1983 prepared Concise Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. Wrote an analysis of Michael Ch ci ski's Poland, Communism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism. Also selected crucial quotations from Norman Davies' God's Playground - A History of Poland on the subject of the Polish indigenous democratic process.

in 1985 prepared Polish-English Standard Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. Also prepared a revised and expanded edition of the Concise Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics, also published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1987 prepared Poland: A Historical Atlas on Polish History and Prehistory including 200 maps and graphs as well as Chronology of Poland's Constitutional and Political Development, and the Evolution of Polish Identity - The Milestones. An introductory chapter was entitled Poland the Middle Ground. Aloysius A. Mazewski President of Polish-American Congress wrote an introduction. The Atlas was published by Hippocrene Books Inc. and later by Dorset Press of the Barnes and Noble Co. Inc. which sends some 30 million catalogues to American homes including color reproduction of book covers. Thus, many Americans were exposed to the cover of Pogonowski's Atlas showing the range of borders of Poland during the history - many found out for the firsttime that Poland was an important power in the past. Total of about 30,000 atlases were printed so far.

In 1988 the publication of Poland: A Historical Atlas resulted in a number of invitations extended by several Polonian organizations to Iwo Pogonowski to present Television Programs on Polish History. Pogonowski responded and produced over two year period 220 half-hour video programs in his studio at home (and at his own expense.) These programs formed a serial entitled: Poland, A History of One Thousand Years. Total of over 1000 broadcasts of these programs were transmitted by cable television in Chicago, Detroit-Hamtramck, Cleveland, and Blacksburg.

in 1990-1991 translated from the Russian the Catechism of a Revolutionary of 1869 in which crime has been treated as a normal part of the revolutionary program. Started preparation of the Killing the Best and the Brightest: A Chronology of the USSR-German Attempt to Behead the Polish Nation showing how the USSR became a prototype of modern totalitarian state, how this prototype was adapted in Germany by the Nazis.

in 1991 prepared Polish Phrasebook, Polish Conversations for Americans including picture code for gender and familiarity, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1991 prepared English Conversations for Poles with Concise Dictionary published by Hippocrene Books Inc. By then a total of over 100,000 Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionaries written by Pogonowski were sold in the United States and abroad.

in 1992 prepared a Dictionary of Polish, Latin, Hebrew, and Yiddish Terms used in Contacts between Poles and Jews. It was prepared for the history of Jews in Poland as well as 115 maps and graphs and 172 illustrations, paintings, drawings, and documents, etc. of Jewish life in Poland. This material was accompanied by proper annotations.

in 1993 prepared Jews in Poland, Rise of the Jews as a Nation from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel, published by Hippocrene Books Inc. in 3000 copies. Foreword was written by Richard Pipes, professor of history at Harvard University, and Pogonowski's school mate in the Keczmar school in Warsaw. Part I included: a Synopsis of 1000 Year History of Jews in Poland; the 1264 Statute of Jewish Liberties in Poland in Latin and English translation; Jewish Autonomy in Poland 1264-1795; German Annihilation of the Jews. In appendixes are documents and illustrations. An Atlas is in the Part III. It is divided as follows: Early Jewish Settlements 966-1264; The Crucial 500 Years, 1264-1795; Competition (between Poles and Jews) Under Foreign Rule, 1795-1918; The Last Blossoming of Jewish Culture in Poland, 1918-1939; German Genocide of the Jews, 1940-1944; Jewish Escape from Europe 1945-1947 - The End of European (Polish) Phase of Jewish History (when most of world's Jewry lived in Europe). Pogonowski began to write a new book starting with the Chronology of the Martyrdom of Polish Intelligentsia during World War II and the Stalinist Terror; the book in preparation was entitled Killing the Best and the Brightest.

in 1995 prepared Dictionary of Polish Business, Legal and Associated Terms for use with the new edition of the Practical Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionary and later to be published as a separate book.

in 1996 Pogonowski's Poland: A Historical Atlas; was translated into Polish; some 130 of the original 200 maps printed in color; the Chronology of Poland was also translated into Polish. The Atlas was published by Wydawnictwo Suszczy ski I Baran in Kraków in 3000 copies; additional publications are expected. Prepared Polish-English, Eglish-Polish Compact Dictionary with complete phonetics, published by Hippocrene Books Inc.

in 1997 finished preparation of the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary with complete phonetics including over 200,000 entries, in three volumes on total of 4000 pages; it is published by Hippocrene Books Inc; the Polish title is: Uniwesalny S ownik Polsko-Angielski. Besides years of work Pogonowski spent over $50,000 on computers, computer services, typing, and proof reading in order to make the 4000 page dictionary camera ready; assisted in the preparation of second edition of Jews in Poland, Rise of the Jews from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel published in fall of 1997. Prepared computer programs for English-Polish Dictionary to serve as a companion to the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary printed by the end of May 1997.

in 1998 Pogonowski organized preparation of CD ROM for the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary, Practical English-Polish Dictionary, Polish Phrasebook for Tourists and Travelers to Poland, all published earlier by Iwo C. Pogonowski. The Phrasebook includes 280 minutes of bilingual audio read by actors. Started preparation for a new edition of Poland: A Historical Atlas. New Appendices are being prepared on such subjects as: Polish contribution to Allied's wartime intelligence: the breaking of the Enigma Codes, Pune Munde rocket production; Poland's contribution to the international law since 1415; Poland's early development of rocket technology such as Polish Rocketry Handbook published in 1650 in which Poles introduced for the first time into the world's literature concepts of multiple warheads, multistage rockets, new controls in rocket flight, etc. Poland's Chronology is being enlarged to reflect the mechanisms of subjugation of Polish people by the Soviet terror apparatus. Continued preparation of the Killing the Best and the Brightest: A Chronology of the USSR-German Attempt to Behead the Polish Nation, including the 1992 revelations from Soviet archives as well as the current research in Poland. Continued preparation of two-volume English Polish Dictionary, a companion to the Unabridged Polish-English Dictionary published in 1997. Reviewed Upiorna Dekada by J. T. Gross.

in 1999 Pogonowski continued writing Poland - An Illustrated History and preparing for it 21 maps and diagrams and 89 illustrations.

in 2000 Pogonowski prepared, in a camera ready form, Poland - An Illustrated History; it was published by Hippocrene Books Inc. NY 2000 and recommended by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor under President Carter, as "An important contribution to the better understanding of Polish history, which demonstrates in a vivid fashion the historical vicissitudes of that major European nation."

Friday, February 15, 2008

Polish special force GROM part 1

Polish special force GROM part 1


Polish special force GROM part 2

Polish Soldiers in Afghanistan - ISAF mission

Polish Army - ISAF Afghanistan

Lech Kaczynski - Poland must not give in to Russia’s pressure

Lech Kaczynski - Poland must not give in to Russia’s pressure

15.02.2008 11:58
Poland’s head of state calls for the government not to bend to pressure from Moscow after President Putin remarked yesterday that missiles would be pointed at Warsaw if it went ahead with stationing the US anti-missile shield on Polish soil.

President Lech Kaczyński said that it is very important how Poland reacts to Russian President’s words. As he explained the government and public opinion shouldn’t give in under this pressure.

According to Kaczyński, Putin’s stance shouldn’t influence Polish-American negotiations concerning the anti-missile shield. The President believes that Poland should agree to locating the elements of the defence system on its territory as it serves Poland’s security.

The Polish President added also that in view of the Kremlin’s threats, the government should re-think Poland’s new, lenient policy towards Russia, spearheaded by PM Donald Tusk. According to him, Poland should be firm and not react to statements similar to the one by Putin.

Unofficially NATO diplomats describe Vladimir Putin’s words on the possibility of Russian aiming missiles at alliance members as unacceptable. Officially, however, NATO hasn’t commented on the Russian President’s statement.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Obama Statement on Visit of Polish President Lech Kaczynski

Obama Statement on Visit of Polish President Lech Kaczynski
Monday, July 16, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) today released the following statement on the visit of Polish President Lech Kaczynski to the United States:

“I welcome Polish President Lech Kaczynski to Washington. Recognizing the rich history of cooperation between our two countries, I am happy to say, Witam Serdecznie w Washingtonie [Welcome to Washington].”

“The Polish President's visit reminds us that for the last 200 years America and Poland have been linked in the struggle for freedom. Today there is a strong legacy of sacrifice between the two nations – sacrifice for the cause of American and Polish freedom alike.”

“As early as the Revolutionary War, Polish patriots like Casimir Pulaski and Tadeusz Kosciuszko fought alongside American patriots – from Germantown to Saratoga – to help win our country’s independence.”

“During World War I, Ignacy Paderewski, an unparalleled musician, helped lead the fight for a free and independent Poland. He became Prime Minister after the war, only to be forced into exile by the Nazi Occupation. After he died in exile in the United States, America gave this great friend of freedom a place alongside our honored dead in Arlington National Cemetery. There he would rest, in the words of President Franklin Roosevelt, ‘until Poland would be free.’”

“It was a moving sight when, in 1992, President George H. W. Bush escorted Paderewski's ashes home to Poland. No one will forget seeing thousands of Poles lining the streets over the miles from the airport to the city center, waiting to see the horse drawn carriage.”

“It was the world’s good fortune that a Pole infused with this same dedication to freedom and the dignity of all people was elected Pope at such a critical time. Polish-Americans were thrilled at the election of Karol Wojtyla as Pope, a man who kept the faith when faith was forbidden.”

“At the same time, American Polonia’s dedication to freedom in their native Poland was vital in ensuring that Soviet totalitarianism would not succeed. Millions of personal packages were sent to friends and family back home, and each package was a message of hope in dark days – like the imposition of Martial Law in 1981 – of the Soviet Union.”

“The razing of the Iron Curtain provided opportunities to renew the linkage between Poland and America. Two centuries after the deaths of Pulaski and Kosciuszko, Poland and America became formal allies in NATO, institutionalizing the faith in freedom our countries have shared for centuries.”

“Since joining NATO in 1997, Poland has become one of America’s most important strategic partners, dedicating troops and resources to our operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

“We now have an opportunity to build on this long and deep relationship. Here is how we can.”

1. Renew the unity of purpose of the Transatlantic Relationship. “The Bush Administration's policy of splitting Europe into “old” and “new” was not just wrong, it was counterproductive. Poland should not have to choose between its vital interest in closer integration with Europe and its alliance with the United States. America must repair its relationship with Europe as a whole, so that Poland and our other Central European allies are never put in that position again.”

2. Finish building a Europe whole and free. “Poland has been a steadfast champion of liberty in the countries to its east. America and Poland should stand together to help Ukraine build a strong and stable democracy, and to help the people of Belarus regain their human rights. We also share an interest in working with Russia to meet common security threats and to encourage Russia’s integration into Western institutions. But we should also embrace, not abandon, those in Russia working to preserve their hard won liberty, and draw clear lines against Russia’s intimidation of its neighbors. 21st Century Europe cannot be divided into 19th Century spheres of influence.”

3. Meet global challenges together. “Not long ago, we looked to Poland as a country that needed American help in its own efforts to be free and secure; now we look to Poland as a critical partner in building a safer, freer world. We should work with Poland to secure more European troops, with stronger rules of engagement, to stabilize Afghanistan. And we should work together to send an unmistakable signal to Iran that its insistence in pursuing a nuclear weapons program is a profound mistake.”

4. Energize the alliance to confront new challenges. “From Poland to the United States, we are facing a new kind of threat – in the form of energy insecurity and climate change. The North Atlantic community has always joined forces to confront and defeat new challenges, and we should be doing the same now by, among other things, sharing best practices on energy conservation, inviting India and China to join the International Energy Agency, and dedicating our significant resources to establishing a global cap and trade on greenhouse gas pollution.”

5. Prudently but decisively prepare for emerging threats. “The Bush Administration has been developing plans to deploy interceptors and radar systems in Poland and the Czech Republic as part of a missile defense system designed to protect against the potential threat of Iranian nuclear armed missiles. If we can responsibly deploy missile defenses that would protect us and our allies we should – but only when the system works. We need to make sure any missile defense system would be effective before deployment. The Bush Administration has in the past exaggerated missile defense capabilities and rushed deployments for political purposes. The Bush Administration has also done a poor job of consulting its NATO allies about the deployment of a missile defense system that has major implications for all of them. We must not allow this issue to divide “new Europe” and “old Europe,” as the Bush Administration tried to do over Iraq.”

6. Invite Poland to join the Visa Waiver Program. “We should work to include countries like Poland that are members of both the EU and NATO into the Visa Waiver Program. Today’s visa regime reflects neither the current strategic relationship nor the close historic bonds between our peoples, and is out of date.”

“These are important steps, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to implement them.”

“It is wonderful to welcome the Polish President at a time in which America and Poland share the same freedom. Our two nations share a common legacy and destiny, and I am honored to welcome President Kaczynski to Washington.”

The Betrayal of Poland 1939-1945
by Patrick J. Buchanan
August 29, 1997

With Poland's membership in NATO at issue, a question has arisen as to whether America owes a debt to the Polish people for Franklin D. Roosevelt's having "betrayed" the Polish nation to Joseph Stalin at Yalta.
Undersecretary of State Stuart Eizenstat has lately raised the issue of a moral debt to Poland for the 1945 summit where FDR accepted Stalin's assurances of free elections. Eizenstat was taken to task by columnist Lars-Erik Nelson for repeating a "50-year-old right-wing slander." Robert Novak defended the "betrayed" thesis.

Nelson's point: By 1945 Stalin had 12 million troops in Eastern Europe, and Dwight Eisenhower only 4 million in the West. Conservatives who condemn FDR for Poland's fate, says Nelson, are joining the "Blame America First" crowd. We couldn't save Poland!

But, in truth, Yalta was only the final betrayal of Poland, and not only FDR but Winston Churchill bears moral responsibility for a half-century of communist enslavement of the Polish people.

The first betrayal came with the British guarantee to Poland, after Neville Chamberlain was exposed as a dupe when Adolf Hitler tore up his Munich pact and marched into Prague. As Hitler pressed Poland for the return of Danzig, stripped from Germany after World War I, and demanded rail and road transit to the city across a "Polish Corridor" also taken from Germany, Warsaw, encouraged by British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax, refused even to negotiate. The Poles were assured that if war came, Britain would be at their side.

But when Hitler invaded Poland from the west and Stalin invaded from the east, Britain declared war on Germany alone. Then, the British sat behind the Maginot Line while Poland was crucified. The British had goaded the Poles into standing up to Hitler though they had no plans to save or rescue Poland. Six million Poles would die as a result of having trusted in a British alliance.

The second betrayal occurred at Teheran in 1943, when FDR moved into the Soviet embassy compound and assured Stalin he would not object to his keeping the half of Poland and the Baltic states Hitler had ceded to Stalin in their infamous pact. As Robert Nisbet wrote in "Roosevelt and Stalin: The Failed Courtship," FDR asked only that word of his concession not leak out before the 1944 elections, so Polish Americans would not react in rage. FDR told one visitor to Hyde Park he was "sick and tired" of East Europeans and their constant clamoring about boundaries and sovereignties.

The third betrayal occurred in the summer of '44. The Polish Home Army in German-occupied Warsaw, heeding appeals from Radio Moscow, rose up against the Nazis. As the Home Army was loyal to the free Polish government in London, which was demanding an investigation of Stalin's murder of Polish officers at Katyn, Stalin halted his own Red Army outside Warsaw to give the Nazis a free hand in crushing the Polish uprising.

British and Americans sought to aid the Poles with air drops of food and munitions. But Stalin refused to let the allies use air fields behind his lines to refuel for the return flight to England. Churchill drafted a strong letter to Stalin, asking that the allies be allowed to use the air fields assigned them, but to appease Stalin, FDR cravenly refused to sign the letter. The Home Army was butchered.

By February 1945, Poland had been overrun by a Red Army that could not be dislodged short of a new war. Yalta, writes Nisbet, "is not the source of the Soviet possessions in Eastern Europe ... Teheran is. But Yalta performed a service that was almost as important to Stalin. ... This was the invaluable service of giving moral legitimation to what Stalin had acquired by sheer force."

Britain had gone to war and lost 400,000 men and an empire for Poland's independence. Yet, as Poland receded into the darkness, not once did Churchill vent upon Stalin the oratory he used so often on Hitler. The rape of Poland by Hitler and Stalin was the moral cause that precipitated the war. Yet, Churchill and FDR, to appease Stalin, meekly acquiesced in the betrayal of that moral cause.

"Of one thing I am sure," FDR said at Yalta, "Stalin is not an imperialist." How explain his naivete about Stalin, to whom he gave everything, including a third of the Italian fleet and recognition of his puppet government in Poland? "Puerility," writes George F. Kennan. FDR once told his friend, ambassador William Bullitt: "I think if I give him (Stalin) everything I possibly can, and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of peace and democracy."

And thus was Poland betrayed.