Czego powinnismy domagac sie od telewizji Fox?
November 16, 2007 at 1:11 pm · Filed under O czym rozmawiamy w programie
“… wy Polacy macie to we krwi jak kielbase i kolaboracje z nazistami .”“… it’s in your polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with Nazis .”
Something’s Up There -11/14/2007 - Fox Channel:'s in your polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with Nazis ."
FOX Broadcasting Co.P.O. Box 900Beverly Hills, CA 90213
WFLD-TV/FOX 32 Chicago, IL205 N. Michigan Ave.2nd Floor —-Ste 200Chicago, IL 60601Phone: (312) 565-5532 (F)312-819-0820
E-mail i numer telefonu do Prezydenta Fox TV w Kaliforni, podane przez Franka Spule:
Prezes Kongresu Polonii Amerykanskiej i Zwiazku Narodowego Polskiego na antenie Otwartego Mikrofonu zacheca do wspolnej akcji.===================
From: Andrew StanoSent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:16 AMSubject: Fwd: Fox Television: Names & Email Addresses
Przekazuje wiecej informacji do protestu przeciwko Fox TV
Fox Television: Names & Email Addresses
===================Drobna uwaga: niektorzy uporczywie powtarzaja jakoby to Kelsey Grammer gral w serialu “Back to You” dziennikarza polskiego pochodzenia i do niego zostala skierowana obrazajaca Polakow wypowiedz. To nie tak.
Aktor wcielajacy sie w role dziennikarza o nazwisku Gary Crezyzewski, tak tak C r e z y z e w s k i (?!), nazywa sie Ty Burrell.
W ujeciu do ktorego nawiazujemy, redakcyjny kolega C r e z y z e w s k i e g o, Marsh McGinley (gra go Fred Willard) usiluje zachecic go do udzialu w turnieju kreglarskim. Jego koronnym argumentem jest to, ze…… reszte Panstwo znaja.
Lucja S
===================Tresc listu, ktory wyslalam do Chicago Tribune:
On November 14, 2007 Fox Television (Channel 32 in Chicago) broadcast an outrageously offensive historical lie veiled as comedic banter, which only makes it all the more insidious (“….it’s in your Polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with the Nazis”).
Steven Levitan and his team of writers and producers either possess the historical knowledge of the average Jay Leno “Jay-walker”, or had made a deliberate, malicious attempt to smear Americans of Polish descent and the Polish Nation as a whole.
Poland suffered unimaginable losses at the hands of Nazi Germany and no other nation fought the Nazis as long and as valiantly as did the Poles while many countries continued to do business with Hitler and chose not to honor treaties to come to Poland’s aid.
Poland lost millions of her citizens in the murderous war and occupation. Her capital, Warsaw, was ruthlessly shelled, burned and bombed by the Germans until only rubble remained of historic homes, government buildings, hospitals and churches.
Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where the death penalty was imposed for harboring Jews. Often entire Polish families, including babies, were murdered by barbaric Germans when a Jew was discovered hiding in their home. And yet, contrary to anti-Polish propaganda spewed by the likes of J.T. Gross, Alan Dershovitz and their ilk (and now Fox TV?), more Poles than people of any other nation came to the aid of Jews seeking shelter. Just count the number of “Polish” trees in the Righteous Among Nations Garden in the Yad Vashem.
The Fox Television Network, as well as the producers and writers of “Back to You” need to apologize not only to the millions of Polish Americans, but to all viewers who were subjected to this revisionism of world history - canned laughter is not a mitigating factor.
We all know that, unfortunately, many children and young people “learn” history not by reading books but by watching television shows and inferior quality movies – a handy tool for revisionists, indeed.
Until this assault on decency and historical truth is rectified I urge all readers, regardless of nationality, race or religion to call, email, fax or write the Fox Television Network and demand an apology to your fellow citizens and Poles throughout the world.
Lucia Sliwa
“Otwarty Mikrofon - Open Mike” Radio Program
WPNA, 1490 AM
===================Minister Sikorski rozmawiał z Murdochem w sprawie kontrowersyjnego sitcomu
20.11.Warszawa (PAP) - Minister spraw zagranicznych Radosław Sikorski odbył we wtorek rozmowę telefoniczną z prezesem NewsCorporation Rupertem Murdochem, aby zwrócić uwagę na “historycznie nieprawdziwe i głęboko szkalujące sformułowania”, które zostały wypowiedziane w sitcomie “Back to you” telewizji Fox News - poinformował rzecznik MSZ Piotr Paszkowski.
W trakcie rozmowy Rupert Murdoch wyraził ubolewanie z powodu incydentu i zapewnił, że będzie natychmiast osobiście interweniował w tej kwestii. Minister Sikorski zwrócił uwagę na konieczność podjęcia odpowiednich działań, w tym także edukacyjnych, mających na celu niedopuszczenie do emisji podobnych treści w przyszłości.
Telewizja Fox wydała wcześniej oświadczenie z przeprosinami za wypowiedź jednego z bohaterów swego komediowego serialu, który oświadczył - co miało być żartem - że Polacy “mają we krwi współpracę z nazistami”.
Kierownictwo sieci telewizyjnej Fox Broadcasting Network przeprosiło “wszystkich widzów, którzy mogli zostać obrażeni” dowcipem, starając się jednak usprawiedliwić go jako zupełnie niewinny. Podkreślono, że postać, z której ust wyszedł żart, często obraża rozmaite grupy etniczne w USA, co ma dowodzić jej niewiedzy i głupoty.
Dowcip wywołał oburzenie Polonii w USA. Jej przedstawiciele zasypali Fox e-mailami ukazującymi się na stronie internetowej sieci. Prezes Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej Frank Spula rozmawiał we wtorek z przedstawicielami dyrekcji telewizji Fox.
Szef komitetu przeciw zniesławieniom KPA Frank Milewski wysłał list do Ruperta Murdocha, wzywając go, by spotkał się z Polakami, którzy przeżyli hitlerowskie obozy koncentracyjne i tymi, którzy zostali uhonorowani przez Izrael za ratowanie Żydów w czasie II wojny światowej. (PAP)
From: JOHN PTAKTo: mail@polishamericancenter.orgSent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 1:28 PMSubject: TV defamatory reference
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am of Polish descent, my father fought in WWII for the Polish Cavalry, theFree French & the US Army. Last night I was switching channels before abasketball game and came upon a Fox network show called “Back to You” (Wednesday November 14, 2007, 7 pm CT). I caught the first 3 minutes which was a scene with Kelsey Grammer & another male actor concerning bowling. The other actor tried to shame Mr. Grammer into bowling by making a reference to the “fact” that bowling was as much a part of Polish genetics ( the actual line was something like ,.as much in your blood as..’) as “…collaborating with the Nazis..”. I find this incredibly offensive and sincerely hope that you take appropriate steps to register vigorously how disgusting, disrespectful and outrageous this defamation is to the Polish people and the utter disregard for the heroism shown by Poles who lost their lives in the millions standing up to the Nazis as well as those who fought against them on many different grounds and many different levels and survived.This insult is made more egregious by the fact that earlier this week marked the ‘anniversary’ of the 14,000 murdered Polish army men shot, killed & buried in a Polish forest.
J. Ptak
From: Louis PtakTo:, …Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:58 PMSubject: RE: TV defamatory reference
Dear All,
I, fortunately, did not see the television show my brother referred to in his note. It’s a good thing I didn’t see it. I too am astonished and outraged by Grammer’s remarks. But it’s not surprising considering the garbage this station puts on the air. If they have a chance to slander and mock the brave and noble people of Polish descent, they will. I’m surprised a snide comment about the remarkable Catholicism of the Polish people was not included in this sick comment.My brother did not mention the thousands of brave Poles who were tortured, beaten, killed or died in the Nazi concentration camps. I sincerely hope you will vigorously respond to this outrageous attack on Poles throughout the world!
Sincerely yours
Dr. Louis Richard Ptak
Louis R. Ptak, Ph.D.