Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
John Mearsheimer - Iraq, the Neocons and the Israel Lobby
John Mearsheimer - Iraq, the Neocons and the Israel Lobby
R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor
University of Chicago
Co-director, Program on International Security Policy
University of Chicago
Office Address:
Political Science Department
University of Chicago
5828 S. University Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
Office Numbers:
Office Phone: 773-702-8667
Office FAX: 773-702-1689
Ph.D. (Government), Cornell University, 1981
M.A. (Government), Cornell University, 1978
M.A. (International Relations), University of Southern California, 1974
B.S. West Point, 1970
"Remains of Education" Address to Class of 2005, University of Chicago, June 10, 2005
E.H. Carr Memorial Lecture, Aberystwyth, UK, October 14, 2004
Graduation Speaker, University of Chicago, June 11-12, 2004
Distinguished Scholar Award, International Studies Association (ISA), March 18, 2004
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, recipient of Joseph Lepgold Book Prize
Conventional Deterrence, recipient of Edgar S. Furniss, Jr. Book Award
S. Rajaratnam Professorship in Strategic Studies, IDSS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2004
Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Whitney H. Shepardson Fellowship, Council on Foreign Relations, 1998-1999
"Aims of Education" Address to Class of 2001, University of Chicago, September 21, 1997
Quantrell Award for Distinguished Teaching, University of Chicago, 1985
Clark Award for Distinguished Teaching, Cornell University, 1977
PhD dissertation, honorable mention for APSA's 1980 81 Helen Dwight Reid Award
Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, 1993-1994
George Kistiakowsky Scholar, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1986-1987
Academic Positions:
1975-1979, Graduate Student, Cornell University
1979-1980, Research Fellow, Brookings Institution
1980-1982, Research Associate, CFIA, Harvard University
1982-Present, member, Political Science Department, University of Chicago [Assistant Prof., 1982-1984; Associate Prof., 1984-1987; Professor, 1987-1995; Harrison Chair, 1996-Present; Department Chair, 1989-1992.]
1992-1993, Visiting Scholar, Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Harvard University
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007). Translated into Arabic, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.
John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: Norton, 2001). Translated into Chinese, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, and Serbian.
John J. Mearsheimer, Liddell Hart and the Weight of History (New York: Cornell University Press; London: Brassey's, 1988).
John J. Mearsheimer, Conventional Deterrence (New York: Cornell University Press, 1983).
Russell Hardin, John J. Mearsheimer, Robert E. Goodin, Gerald Dworkin, eds. Nuclear Deterrence: Ethics and Strategy (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1985)
Articles and Book Chapters:
John J. Mearsheimer, "Structural Realism," in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, and Steve Smith, eds., International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 71-88.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Forward," in Naoto Yoshikawa and Kazuhiko Noguchi, Perspectives on International Relations (Tokyo: Keiso Text Selection, 2006), pp. i-vi.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The Israel Lobby," London Review of Books, Vol. 28, No. 6 (March 23, 2006), pp. 3-12. Reprinted in numerous places. Also see John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "Letters: The Israel Lobby," London Review of Books, Vol. 28, No. 9 (May 11, 2006), pp. 4-5.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," Faculty Research Working Paper No. RWP06-011, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, March 13, 2006. For a revised, updated, and unabridged version, see John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," Middle East Policy, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Fall 2006), pp. 1-59.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The War over Israel's Influence," Foreign Policy, No. 155 (July/August 2006), pp. 57-58, 64-66.
John J. Mearsheimer, "China's Unpeaceful Rise," Current History, Vol. 105, No. 690 (April 2006), pp. 160-162.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Conversations in International Relations - Interview with John J. Mearsheimer (Part II)," International Relations, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2006), pp. 231-243.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Conversations in International Relations - Interview with John J. Mearsheimer (Part I)," International Relations, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2006), pp. 105-124.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Zu Diesem Buch," in Carlo Masala, Kenneth N. Waltz: Einführung in seine Theorie und Auseinandersetzung mit seinen Kritikern (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005).
John J. Mearsheimer, "Hans Morgenthau and the Iraq War: Realism versus Neo-Conservatism,", posted May 19, 2005. Excerpted as "Realism is Right," in The National Interest, No. 81 (Fall 2005), p. 10. Also published as "Hans Morgenthau und der Irakkrieg: Realismus versus Neokonservatismus," in Merkur, Vol. 59, No. 677/678 (September-October 2005), pp. 836-844. Also published as "A Case Study of Iraq - Analogies to Vietnam?" in Christian Hacke, Gottfried-Karl Kindermann, and Kai M. Schellhorn, eds., The Heritage, Challenge, and Future of Realism (Gottingen: V&R Unipress, 2005), pp. 139-148.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Mores Isms the Better," International Relations, Vol. 19, No. 3 (September 2005), pp. 354-359. [My response to five pieces responding to my "E.H. Carr vs. Idealism" piece]
John J. Mearsheimer, "E.H. Carr vs. Idealism: The Battle Rages On," International Relations, Vol. 19, No. 2 (June 2005), pp. 139-152.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Clash of the Titans," A Debate with Zbigniew Brzezinski on the Rise of China, Foreign Policy, No. 146 (January-February 2005), pp. 46-49.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Real World," letter published in the New Republic, August 9, 2004, p. 4.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Power and Fear in Great Power Politics," in G.O. Mazur, ed., One Hundred Year Commemoration to the Life of Hans Morgenthau (1904-2004) (New York: Semenenko Foundation, 2004), pp. 184-196.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A Self-Enclosed World?" in Ian Shapiro, Rogers M. Smith, and Tarek E. Masoud, eds., Problems and Methods in the Study of Politics (New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 388-394.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "An Unnecessary War," Foreign Policy, No. 134 (January-February, 2003), pp. 50-59. Reprinted in Australian Financial Review, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (Germany), Prospect (UK), Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland), Magyar Narancs (Hungary), Foreign Policy-Arabic Edition, Foreign Policy-Turkish Edition, Gestion (Ecuador), Opposing Viewpoints: Middle East (Gale Group); and in Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf, eds., The Iraq Reader: History, Documents, Opinions (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2003), pp. 414-424.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "Can Saddam Be Contained? History Says Yes," (Cambridge, MA: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, November 12, 2002).
John J. Mearsheimer, "Hearts and Minds," The National Interest, No. 69 (Fall 2002), pp. 13-16.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Realism, the Real World, and the Academy," in Michael Brecher and Frank P. Harvey, eds., Realism and Institutionalism in International Studies (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2002), pp. 23-33.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Future of the American Pacifier," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 80, No. 5 (September/October, 2001), pp. 46-61.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Kissinger's Wisdom ... and Advice," The National Interest, No. 65 (Fall 2001), pp. 123-129.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Case for Partitioning Kosovo," in Ted Galen Carpenter, ed., NATO's Empty Victory: A Postmortem on the Balkan War (Washington, DC: CATO Institute, 2000), pp. 133-138.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Aims of Education," and "Teaching Morality at the Margins," in Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 22, No. 1 (April 1998), pp. 137-155, 193-198.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Future of America's Continental Commitment," in Geir Lundestad, ed., No End To Alliance: The United States and Western Europe (New York: St. Martin's, 1998), pp. 221-242.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Van Evera, "When Peace Means War," New Republic, December 18, 1995, pp. 16-21.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A Realist Reply," International Security, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Summer 1995), pp. 82-93. [My response to four pieces responding to my "False Promise" piece]
John J. Mearsheimer, "The False Promise of International Institutions," International Security, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Winter 1994/1995), pp. 5-49. Reprinted in Michael E. Brown et al., eds., The Perils of Anarchy: Contemporary Realism and International Security (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995), pp. 332-376; Michael E. Brown et al., eds., Theories of War and Peace: An International Security Reader (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998), pp. 329-383; Karen Mingst and Jack Snyder, eds., Essential Readings in World Politics (New York: Norton, 2000); Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, 7th ed, revised by Kenneth W. Thompson and W. David Clinton (New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 569-585. Originally published as Working Paper No. 10 for the Project on the Changing Security Environment and American National Interests, John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Harvard University, November 1994.
John J. Mearsheimer, "McNamara's War," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 49, No. 6 (June/July 1993). Review of Deborah Shapley, Promise and Power: The Life and Times of Robert McNamara (New York: Little, Brown, 1993).
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Case for a Ukrainian Nuclear Deterrent," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 72, No. 3 (Summer 1993), pp. 50-66.
John J. Mearsheimer and Robert A. Pape, "The Answer: A Three-Way Partition Plan for Bosnia And How the U.S. Can Enforce It," The New Republic, June 14, 1993, pp. 22-28.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Disorder Restored," in Graham Allison and Gregory Treverton, eds., Rethinking America's Security: Beyond Cold War to New World Order (New York: Norton, 1992), pp. 213-237.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War," International Security, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Summer 1990), pp. 5-56. Reprinted in Sean M. Lynn-Jones, ed., The Cold War and After: Prospects for Peace (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991), pp. 141-192; Michael E. Brown et al., eds., The Perils of Anarchy: Contemporary Realism and International Security (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995), pp. 78-129. and Michael E. Brown et al., eds., Theories of War and Peace: An International Security Reader (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998), pp. 3-54.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Correspondence: Back to the Future, Part III: Realism and the Realities of European Security," International Security, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Winter 1990/1991), pp. 219-222.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Correspondence: Back to the Future, Part II: International Relations Theory and Post-Cold War Europe," International Security, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Fall 1990), pp. 194-199.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War," The Atlantic, August 1990, pp. 35-50. Reprinted in numerous places. Also see "Letters to the Editor: The Cold War Reconsidered," The Atlantic, November 1990, pp. 8-16.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Assessing the Conventional Balance: The 3:1 Rule and Its Critics," International Security, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Spring 1989), pp. 54-89.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Correspondence: Reassessing Net Assessment," International Security, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Spring 1989), pp. 128-144.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Numbers, Strategy, and the European Balance," International Security, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Spring 1988), pp. 174-185.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A Strategic Misstep: The Maritime Strategy and Deterrence in Europe," International Security, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Fall 1986), pp. 3 57. Reprinted in Robert J. Art and Kenneth N. Waltz, eds., The Use of Force, 3rd ed. (New York: University Press of America, 1988), pp. 590-617; and Steven E. Miller and Stephen Van Evera, eds., Naval Strategy and National Security (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988), pp. 47-101.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Prospects for Conventional Deterrence in Europe," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 41, No. 7 (August 1985), pp. 158 162. Reprinted in Len Ackland and Steven McGuire, eds., Assessing the Nuclear Age (Chicago: Education Foundation for Nuclear Science, 1986), pp. 335-343.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Nuclear Weapons and Deterrence in Europe," International Security, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Winter 1984/1985), pp. 19 46. Reprinted in Hylke Tromp, ed., War in Europe (Aldershot, Eng.: Avebury, 1989), pp. 71-100.
John J. Mearsheimer, "War in the Modern Great Power System, 1495-1975," Journal of Modern History, Vol. 56, No. 4 (December 1984), pp. 710-711. Review essay of Jack S. Levy, War in the Modern Great Power System, 1495-1975 (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1983).
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Military Reform Movement: A Critical Assessment," ORBIS, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 1983), pp. 285-300.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Why the Soviets Can't Win Quickly in Central Europe," International Security, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Summer 1982), pp. 3 39. Reprinted in Robert J. Art and Kenneth N. Waltz, eds., The Use of Force, 3rd ed. (New York: University Press of America, 1988), pp. 442-463; and Steven E. Miller, ed., Conventional Forces and American Defense Policy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), pp. 121-157.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Maneuver, Mobile Defense and the NATO Central Front," International Security, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Winter 1981/1982), pp. 104 122. Reprinted in Steven E. Miller, ed., Conventional Forces and American Defense Policy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), pp. 231-249.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Correspondence" [regarding the "British Generals Talk"], International Security, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Winter 1981/82), pp. 227 229.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The British Generals Talk," International Security, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Summer 1981), pp. 165 184.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Rejoinder" in "Debate on Precision guided Munitions," Survival, Vol. XXII, No. 1 (January February 1980), pp. 20 22.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Precision guided Munitions and Conventional Deterrence," Survival, Vol. XXI, No. 2 (March April 1979), pp. 68 76.
Op-Ed Pieces:
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Rise of China Will Not Be Peaceful at All," The Australian, November 18, 2005.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "Keeping Saddam Hussein in a Box," New York Times, February 2, 2003.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Guns Won't Win the Afghan War," New York Times, November 4, 2001.
John J. Mearsheimer et al., "War with Iraq Is Not in America's National Interest," New York Times paid advertisement, September 26, 2002.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Impossible Partition," New York Times, January 11, 2001.
John J. Mearsheimer, "India Needs The Bomb," New York Times, March 24, 2000.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Van Evera, "Redraw the Map, Stop the Killing," New York Times, April 19, 1999.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A Peace Agreement That's Bound To Fail," New York Times, October 19, 1998.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Here We Go Again," New York Times, May 17, 1998.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Only Exit From Bosnia," New York Times, October 7, 1997.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Van Evera, "Hateful Neighbors," New York Times, September 24, 1996.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Shrink Bosnia to Save It," New York Times, March 31, 1993.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Will Iraq Fight or Fold Its Tent? Liberation in Less Than a Week," New York Times, February 8, 1991.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A War the U.S. Can Win - Decisively," Chicago Tribune, January 15, 1991.
Work Experience:
July 1981 July 1982, Executive Secretary, Strategy and Arms Control Seminar, Harvard University.
May 1978 August 1978, Internship at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), Washington, D.C.
June 1970 August 1975, Officer, U.S. Air Force.
June 1965 July 1966, Enlisted Man, U.S. Army.
Member, Advisory Committee, National Interest.
Member, Board of Advisors of Foreign Affairs.
Member, Editorial Board, International Security.
Member, Editorial Board, Security Studies.
Member, Editorial Board, International History Review, 1997-2000.
Member, Editorial Board, JFQ: Joint Forces Quarterly.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Transatlantic Studies.
Member, Editorial Board, Asian Security.
Member, Editorial Board, China Security.
Member, International Editorial Committee, International Relations.
Member, Council on Foreign Relations (New York).
Member, Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Member, Visiting Committee of MIT Political Science Department, 2004-2008.
Member, International Academic Advisory Board, BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 1993-2006.
Member, Board of Advisors, Center on Peace and Liberty, Independent Institute.
Consultant, RAND Corporation, 1985-1986.
Secretary-Treasurer, Inter University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, 1985-1987.
Senior Fellow, John M. Olin Center for Inquiry Into the Theory and Practice of Democracy, University of Chicago.
Testified before Senate Foreign Relations Committee on October 3, 1985. See U.S. Congress, SFRC, A NATO Strategy for the 1990's, Part 5, 99th Cong., 1st Sess., October 3, 1985.
Testified before Senate Armed Services Committee on October 20, 1987. See U.S. Congress, SASC, Alliance and Defense Capabilities in Europe, 100th Cong., 1st Sess., October 20, 1987. Also reprinted in John T. Rourke, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in World Politics, 2nd ed. (Guilford, Ct.: Dushkin, 1989), pp. 224-230.
Section Chairperson for "National Security Policy" for the 1987 American Political Science Association Convention.
Member, Chicago Study Group on U.S. National Interests after the Cold War (Sponsored by Council on Foreign Relations), 1996.
Member, James Madison Award Selection Committee, American Political Science Association, 1999.
Member, Helen Dwight Reid Award Selection Committee, American Political Science Association, 2006.
Co-chair (with John L. Gaddis) of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences' "Committee on History, the Social Sciences and International Security Affairs," 1987-1990.
Associate member of the London School of Economics’ "Cold War Studies Centre" (CWSC).
Member, Selection Committee for President of the University of Chicago, 2005-2006.
Updated: August 09, 2007
R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor
University of Chicago
Co-director, Program on International Security Policy
University of Chicago
Office Address:
Political Science Department
University of Chicago
5828 S. University Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
Office Numbers:
Office Phone: 773-702-8667
Office FAX: 773-702-1689
Ph.D. (Government), Cornell University, 1981
M.A. (Government), Cornell University, 1978
M.A. (International Relations), University of Southern California, 1974
B.S. West Point, 1970
"Remains of Education" Address to Class of 2005, University of Chicago, June 10, 2005
E.H. Carr Memorial Lecture, Aberystwyth, UK, October 14, 2004
Graduation Speaker, University of Chicago, June 11-12, 2004
Distinguished Scholar Award, International Studies Association (ISA), March 18, 2004
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, recipient of Joseph Lepgold Book Prize
Conventional Deterrence, recipient of Edgar S. Furniss, Jr. Book Award
S. Rajaratnam Professorship in Strategic Studies, IDSS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2004
Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Whitney H. Shepardson Fellowship, Council on Foreign Relations, 1998-1999
"Aims of Education" Address to Class of 2001, University of Chicago, September 21, 1997
Quantrell Award for Distinguished Teaching, University of Chicago, 1985
Clark Award for Distinguished Teaching, Cornell University, 1977
PhD dissertation, honorable mention for APSA's 1980 81 Helen Dwight Reid Award
Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar, 1993-1994
George Kistiakowsky Scholar, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1986-1987
Academic Positions:
1975-1979, Graduate Student, Cornell University
1979-1980, Research Fellow, Brookings Institution
1980-1982, Research Associate, CFIA, Harvard University
1982-Present, member, Political Science Department, University of Chicago [Assistant Prof., 1982-1984; Associate Prof., 1984-1987; Professor, 1987-1995; Harrison Chair, 1996-Present; Department Chair, 1989-1992.]
1992-1993, Visiting Scholar, Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Harvard University
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007). Translated into Arabic, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.
John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: Norton, 2001). Translated into Chinese, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, and Serbian.
John J. Mearsheimer, Liddell Hart and the Weight of History (New York: Cornell University Press; London: Brassey's, 1988).
John J. Mearsheimer, Conventional Deterrence (New York: Cornell University Press, 1983).
Russell Hardin, John J. Mearsheimer, Robert E. Goodin, Gerald Dworkin, eds. Nuclear Deterrence: Ethics and Strategy (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1985)
Articles and Book Chapters:
John J. Mearsheimer, "Structural Realism," in Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki, and Steve Smith, eds., International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 71-88.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Forward," in Naoto Yoshikawa and Kazuhiko Noguchi, Perspectives on International Relations (Tokyo: Keiso Text Selection, 2006), pp. i-vi.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The Israel Lobby," London Review of Books, Vol. 28, No. 6 (March 23, 2006), pp. 3-12. Reprinted in numerous places. Also see John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "Letters: The Israel Lobby," London Review of Books, Vol. 28, No. 9 (May 11, 2006), pp. 4-5.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," Faculty Research Working Paper No. RWP06-011, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, March 13, 2006. For a revised, updated, and unabridged version, see John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," Middle East Policy, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Fall 2006), pp. 1-59.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "The War over Israel's Influence," Foreign Policy, No. 155 (July/August 2006), pp. 57-58, 64-66.
John J. Mearsheimer, "China's Unpeaceful Rise," Current History, Vol. 105, No. 690 (April 2006), pp. 160-162.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Conversations in International Relations - Interview with John J. Mearsheimer (Part II)," International Relations, Vol. 20, No. 2 (2006), pp. 231-243.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Conversations in International Relations - Interview with John J. Mearsheimer (Part I)," International Relations, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2006), pp. 105-124.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Zu Diesem Buch," in Carlo Masala, Kenneth N. Waltz: Einführung in seine Theorie und Auseinandersetzung mit seinen Kritikern (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005).
John J. Mearsheimer, "Hans Morgenthau and the Iraq War: Realism versus Neo-Conservatism,", posted May 19, 2005. Excerpted as "Realism is Right," in The National Interest, No. 81 (Fall 2005), p. 10. Also published as "Hans Morgenthau und der Irakkrieg: Realismus versus Neokonservatismus," in Merkur, Vol. 59, No. 677/678 (September-October 2005), pp. 836-844. Also published as "A Case Study of Iraq - Analogies to Vietnam?" in Christian Hacke, Gottfried-Karl Kindermann, and Kai M. Schellhorn, eds., The Heritage, Challenge, and Future of Realism (Gottingen: V&R Unipress, 2005), pp. 139-148.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Mores Isms the Better," International Relations, Vol. 19, No. 3 (September 2005), pp. 354-359. [My response to five pieces responding to my "E.H. Carr vs. Idealism" piece]
John J. Mearsheimer, "E.H. Carr vs. Idealism: The Battle Rages On," International Relations, Vol. 19, No. 2 (June 2005), pp. 139-152.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Clash of the Titans," A Debate with Zbigniew Brzezinski on the Rise of China, Foreign Policy, No. 146 (January-February 2005), pp. 46-49.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Real World," letter published in the New Republic, August 9, 2004, p. 4.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Power and Fear in Great Power Politics," in G.O. Mazur, ed., One Hundred Year Commemoration to the Life of Hans Morgenthau (1904-2004) (New York: Semenenko Foundation, 2004), pp. 184-196.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A Self-Enclosed World?" in Ian Shapiro, Rogers M. Smith, and Tarek E. Masoud, eds., Problems and Methods in the Study of Politics (New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 388-394.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "An Unnecessary War," Foreign Policy, No. 134 (January-February, 2003), pp. 50-59. Reprinted in Australian Financial Review, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (Germany), Prospect (UK), Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland), Magyar Narancs (Hungary), Foreign Policy-Arabic Edition, Foreign Policy-Turkish Edition, Gestion (Ecuador), Opposing Viewpoints: Middle East (Gale Group); and in Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf, eds., The Iraq Reader: History, Documents, Opinions (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2003), pp. 414-424.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "Can Saddam Be Contained? History Says Yes," (Cambridge, MA: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, November 12, 2002).
John J. Mearsheimer, "Hearts and Minds," The National Interest, No. 69 (Fall 2002), pp. 13-16.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Realism, the Real World, and the Academy," in Michael Brecher and Frank P. Harvey, eds., Realism and Institutionalism in International Studies (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2002), pp. 23-33.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Future of the American Pacifier," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 80, No. 5 (September/October, 2001), pp. 46-61.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Kissinger's Wisdom ... and Advice," The National Interest, No. 65 (Fall 2001), pp. 123-129.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Case for Partitioning Kosovo," in Ted Galen Carpenter, ed., NATO's Empty Victory: A Postmortem on the Balkan War (Washington, DC: CATO Institute, 2000), pp. 133-138.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Aims of Education," and "Teaching Morality at the Margins," in Philosophy and Literature, Vol. 22, No. 1 (April 1998), pp. 137-155, 193-198.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Future of America's Continental Commitment," in Geir Lundestad, ed., No End To Alliance: The United States and Western Europe (New York: St. Martin's, 1998), pp. 221-242.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Van Evera, "When Peace Means War," New Republic, December 18, 1995, pp. 16-21.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A Realist Reply," International Security, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Summer 1995), pp. 82-93. [My response to four pieces responding to my "False Promise" piece]
John J. Mearsheimer, "The False Promise of International Institutions," International Security, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Winter 1994/1995), pp. 5-49. Reprinted in Michael E. Brown et al., eds., The Perils of Anarchy: Contemporary Realism and International Security (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995), pp. 332-376; Michael E. Brown et al., eds., Theories of War and Peace: An International Security Reader (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998), pp. 329-383; Karen Mingst and Jack Snyder, eds., Essential Readings in World Politics (New York: Norton, 2000); Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, 7th ed, revised by Kenneth W. Thompson and W. David Clinton (New York: McGraw Hill, pp. 569-585. Originally published as Working Paper No. 10 for the Project on the Changing Security Environment and American National Interests, John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Harvard University, November 1994.
John J. Mearsheimer, "McNamara's War," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 49, No. 6 (June/July 1993). Review of Deborah Shapley, Promise and Power: The Life and Times of Robert McNamara (New York: Little, Brown, 1993).
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Case for a Ukrainian Nuclear Deterrent," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 72, No. 3 (Summer 1993), pp. 50-66.
John J. Mearsheimer and Robert A. Pape, "The Answer: A Three-Way Partition Plan for Bosnia And How the U.S. Can Enforce It," The New Republic, June 14, 1993, pp. 22-28.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Disorder Restored," in Graham Allison and Gregory Treverton, eds., Rethinking America's Security: Beyond Cold War to New World Order (New York: Norton, 1992), pp. 213-237.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War," International Security, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Summer 1990), pp. 5-56. Reprinted in Sean M. Lynn-Jones, ed., The Cold War and After: Prospects for Peace (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991), pp. 141-192; Michael E. Brown et al., eds., The Perils of Anarchy: Contemporary Realism and International Security (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995), pp. 78-129. and Michael E. Brown et al., eds., Theories of War and Peace: An International Security Reader (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998), pp. 3-54.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Correspondence: Back to the Future, Part III: Realism and the Realities of European Security," International Security, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Winter 1990/1991), pp. 219-222.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Correspondence: Back to the Future, Part II: International Relations Theory and Post-Cold War Europe," International Security, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Fall 1990), pp. 194-199.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War," The Atlantic, August 1990, pp. 35-50. Reprinted in numerous places. Also see "Letters to the Editor: The Cold War Reconsidered," The Atlantic, November 1990, pp. 8-16.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Assessing the Conventional Balance: The 3:1 Rule and Its Critics," International Security, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Spring 1989), pp. 54-89.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Correspondence: Reassessing Net Assessment," International Security, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Spring 1989), pp. 128-144.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Numbers, Strategy, and the European Balance," International Security, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Spring 1988), pp. 174-185.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A Strategic Misstep: The Maritime Strategy and Deterrence in Europe," International Security, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Fall 1986), pp. 3 57. Reprinted in Robert J. Art and Kenneth N. Waltz, eds., The Use of Force, 3rd ed. (New York: University Press of America, 1988), pp. 590-617; and Steven E. Miller and Stephen Van Evera, eds., Naval Strategy and National Security (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988), pp. 47-101.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Prospects for Conventional Deterrence in Europe," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 41, No. 7 (August 1985), pp. 158 162. Reprinted in Len Ackland and Steven McGuire, eds., Assessing the Nuclear Age (Chicago: Education Foundation for Nuclear Science, 1986), pp. 335-343.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Nuclear Weapons and Deterrence in Europe," International Security, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Winter 1984/1985), pp. 19 46. Reprinted in Hylke Tromp, ed., War in Europe (Aldershot, Eng.: Avebury, 1989), pp. 71-100.
John J. Mearsheimer, "War in the Modern Great Power System, 1495-1975," Journal of Modern History, Vol. 56, No. 4 (December 1984), pp. 710-711. Review essay of Jack S. Levy, War in the Modern Great Power System, 1495-1975 (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1983).
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Military Reform Movement: A Critical Assessment," ORBIS, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 1983), pp. 285-300.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Why the Soviets Can't Win Quickly in Central Europe," International Security, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Summer 1982), pp. 3 39. Reprinted in Robert J. Art and Kenneth N. Waltz, eds., The Use of Force, 3rd ed. (New York: University Press of America, 1988), pp. 442-463; and Steven E. Miller, ed., Conventional Forces and American Defense Policy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), pp. 121-157.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Maneuver, Mobile Defense and the NATO Central Front," International Security, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Winter 1981/1982), pp. 104 122. Reprinted in Steven E. Miller, ed., Conventional Forces and American Defense Policy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), pp. 231-249.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Correspondence" [regarding the "British Generals Talk"], International Security, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Winter 1981/82), pp. 227 229.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The British Generals Talk," International Security, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Summer 1981), pp. 165 184.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Rejoinder" in "Debate on Precision guided Munitions," Survival, Vol. XXII, No. 1 (January February 1980), pp. 20 22.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Precision guided Munitions and Conventional Deterrence," Survival, Vol. XXI, No. 2 (March April 1979), pp. 68 76.
Op-Ed Pieces:
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Rise of China Will Not Be Peaceful at All," The Australian, November 18, 2005.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, "Keeping Saddam Hussein in a Box," New York Times, February 2, 2003.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Guns Won't Win the Afghan War," New York Times, November 4, 2001.
John J. Mearsheimer et al., "War with Iraq Is Not in America's National Interest," New York Times paid advertisement, September 26, 2002.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Impossible Partition," New York Times, January 11, 2001.
John J. Mearsheimer, "India Needs The Bomb," New York Times, March 24, 2000.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Van Evera, "Redraw the Map, Stop the Killing," New York Times, April 19, 1999.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A Peace Agreement That's Bound To Fail," New York Times, October 19, 1998.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Here We Go Again," New York Times, May 17, 1998.
John J. Mearsheimer, "The Only Exit From Bosnia," New York Times, October 7, 1997.
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Van Evera, "Hateful Neighbors," New York Times, September 24, 1996.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Shrink Bosnia to Save It," New York Times, March 31, 1993.
John J. Mearsheimer, "Will Iraq Fight or Fold Its Tent? Liberation in Less Than a Week," New York Times, February 8, 1991.
John J. Mearsheimer, "A War the U.S. Can Win - Decisively," Chicago Tribune, January 15, 1991.
Work Experience:
July 1981 July 1982, Executive Secretary, Strategy and Arms Control Seminar, Harvard University.
May 1978 August 1978, Internship at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), Washington, D.C.
June 1970 August 1975, Officer, U.S. Air Force.
June 1965 July 1966, Enlisted Man, U.S. Army.
Member, Advisory Committee, National Interest.
Member, Board of Advisors of Foreign Affairs.
Member, Editorial Board, International Security.
Member, Editorial Board, Security Studies.
Member, Editorial Board, International History Review, 1997-2000.
Member, Editorial Board, JFQ: Joint Forces Quarterly.
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Transatlantic Studies.
Member, Editorial Board, Asian Security.
Member, Editorial Board, China Security.
Member, International Editorial Committee, International Relations.
Member, Council on Foreign Relations (New York).
Member, Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Member, Visiting Committee of MIT Political Science Department, 2004-2008.
Member, International Academic Advisory Board, BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 1993-2006.
Member, Board of Advisors, Center on Peace and Liberty, Independent Institute.
Consultant, RAND Corporation, 1985-1986.
Secretary-Treasurer, Inter University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, 1985-1987.
Senior Fellow, John M. Olin Center for Inquiry Into the Theory and Practice of Democracy, University of Chicago.
Testified before Senate Foreign Relations Committee on October 3, 1985. See U.S. Congress, SFRC, A NATO Strategy for the 1990's, Part 5, 99th Cong., 1st Sess., October 3, 1985.
Testified before Senate Armed Services Committee on October 20, 1987. See U.S. Congress, SASC, Alliance and Defense Capabilities in Europe, 100th Cong., 1st Sess., October 20, 1987. Also reprinted in John T. Rourke, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in World Politics, 2nd ed. (Guilford, Ct.: Dushkin, 1989), pp. 224-230.
Section Chairperson for "National Security Policy" for the 1987 American Political Science Association Convention.
Member, Chicago Study Group on U.S. National Interests after the Cold War (Sponsored by Council on Foreign Relations), 1996.
Member, James Madison Award Selection Committee, American Political Science Association, 1999.
Member, Helen Dwight Reid Award Selection Committee, American Political Science Association, 2006.
Co-chair (with John L. Gaddis) of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences' "Committee on History, the Social Sciences and International Security Affairs," 1987-1990.
Associate member of the London School of Economics’ "Cold War Studies Centre" (CWSC).
Member, Selection Committee for President of the University of Chicago, 2005-2006.
Updated: August 09, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 — a heroic

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 — a heroic and tragic 63-day struggle to liberate World War 2 Warsaw from Nazi/German occupation. Undertaken by the Home Army (Armia Krajowa, AK), the Polish resistance group, at the time Allied troops were breaking through the Normandy defenses and the Red Army was standing at the line of the Vistula River.
Warsaw could have been one of the first European capitals liberated; however, various military and political miscalculations, as well as global politics — played among Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) — turned the dice against it.
This site is dedicated to all those who fought for their freedom in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 as well as all those who, as civilians, perished in the effort.
At the end of July of 1944, Poland is in its fifth year of German occupation. On the eastern front, German armies are in full retreat suffering from the Red Army's spring offensive which is approaching Warsaw's eastern suburbs. The liberation of Poland's capital seems to be within reach. [ map ]
General 'Bor' Komorowski, commander of the Polish Underground Home Army (Armia Krajowa, AK), sets the beginning of the uprising in Warsaw against the German occupying forces at 'W-hour'; 5:00 p.m. on August 1, 1944. The uprising is expected to last about a week and have the character of mopping up and disarming operation. The insurgents, however, are unaware that the Germans have decided to defend 'fortress' Warsaw and to counter-attack Red Army forces to the east of the city. [ declarations ].
Warsaw's insurgents an estimated 40,000 soldiers, including 4,000 women, have only enough weapons for 2,500 fighters. They are facing a 15,000-strong German garrison which will grow to a force of 30,000, armed with tanks, planes, and artillery.
Day-to-day events [ day-to-day ]. Eyewitness' reports [ radio dispatches ].
| AUG. 1-2 | AUG. 3-4 | AUG. 5-7 | AUG. 8-16 | AUG. 17-23 | AUG. 24-Sep. 2 | SEP. 3-10 |
| SEP. 11-23 | SEP. 24-30 | OCT. 1-5 | EPILOGUE |
AUGUST 1–2, 1944
Before 'W-Hour' (W for wybuch, outbreak in Polish), thousands of mobilized Home Army soldiers are moving into their planned concentration points. In several City Centre, Wola and Zoliborz locations, the fighting begins ahead of schedule.
Insurgents attack 180 German military installations and the town's key strategic positions. After bloody battles, their attacks upon the bridges, airports, train stations and main military and police installations are repelled.
However, significant areas of the city's left bank districts are captured including: the Prudential high-rise building, the main post office, and the state mint. Gas, electric, and water works are in Polish hands. The Warsaw Power Plant in the Riverside district will be restored to operation providing electrical power for hospitals, printing presses, weapon production facilities, and other services until September, 1944. Communication through the crucial west-east front supplying arteries is severed.
In Wola, insurgents capture a large Waffen-SS food and military uniforms warehouse. Many Polish units chose to wear these uniforms embellished with white and red armbands to represent the national colors. The first day of fighting killed 2,000 insurgents and 500 Germans. At nightfall, a network of street barricades is constructed, blocking the most of the city's arteries.
The first issue of Information Bulletin (Biuletyn Informacyjny) newspaper is published. Overall, over 130 different newspapers and periodicals are published in Warsaw during the Uprising. [ newspapers ]
The Soviet eastern front offensive stops within twelve miles of Praga, the suburb on Warsaw's right bank; it will not resume until September 11, 1944. The Soviet air force abandons the skies over Warsaw to the Luftwaffe.
Heinrich Himmler, head of SS and Gestapo, dispatches relief troops to Warsaw headed by SS Lt. Gen. Heinrich Reinefarth and consisting of SS and police units from Poznan, Dirlewanger penal brigade, Kaminski RONA brigade, Azerbaijan infantry battalion, and others. Units of Hermann Göering division are also arriving. [ rona ]
SS General Erich von dem Bach assumes command of all German forces suppressing the Uprising.
Himmler's gives the order to kill all of the city's inhabitants, not take prisoners, and level Warsaw as an example for the rest of Europe.
The first German aerial bombardment by Ju-87 Stuka which will bomb the city daily. The insurgents have no anti-aircraft weapons to defend the city from the attack.
The uprising in Praga fails because of the overwhelming size of the German forces and the end of the Soviet offensive. The remaining insurgents units return underground or crossing into insurgent-controlled areas inside the city.
In the liberated districts, civil administrative structures operating within the framework of the Polish Underground State start functioning. [ administration ]
A major German offensive with fresh relief troops sent to open east-west thoroughfares begins with attacks on the Wola and Ohota districts.
German troops conduct mass executions of approximately 65,000 civilians in the captured districts. Poles, without regard for age or gender, are rounded up house by house and shot. More than 1, 360 patients and staff of Wola and St. Lazarus hospitals are murdered. The Special Group 'verbrennung-kommando' is collecting and burning the bodies. [ map ]
In Mokotow, female civilians are used as shields in front of tanks that are attacking insurgents' positions. This practice will continue throughout the Uprising. [ atrocities ]
The insurgent battalion Zoska, aided by two captured Panther tanks, liberates 350 Polish and European Jewish prisoners from the Goose Farm concentration camp. Many of the freed Jews join the insurgents. [ saving jews ]
Making a round-trip from Brindisi, Italy the first Allied nighttime airdrop of supplies by Halifax and Consolidated B24 Liberator planes reaches Warsaw. [ airlift ]
The siege of Brühl Palace, a government complex near Saxon Garden is lifted by German forces breaking through Wola district. The German Governor of Warsaw region Ludwig Fischer, and Warsaw garrison commander general Reiner Stahel leave the building escorted by tanks. With the fall of Wola, the Old Town quarter is cut off from the City Centre and surrounded.
In Warsaw's Pruszkow suburb, a Durchgangslager 121 selection camp is established. Before the end of 1944, 600,000 deported inhabitants of Warsaw will pass through.
In the liberated areas, Scout Postal Service starts distributing mail, newspapers, and messages even to the areas under German control. [ mail ]
Home Army clandestine radio station 'Lightning' (Blyskawica) starts broadcasting at the frequency of 32.8 and 52.1 meters, followed on August 9 by a civilian Polish Radio at the frequency of 43.4 meters. Both stations will remain on the air until the end of the Uprising.
[ radio ]
The first communications links through sewers are opened between isolated districts of Mokotow and City Centre. They will serve as vital transportation and evacuation lines for the duration of the Uprising.
A German leaflet titled 'Ultimatum' and signed by a Supreme Commander is dropped from planes. It urges the Warsaw inhabitants to leave the city, promising accommodations, jobs, and medical care, while threatening 'consequences' to those who disobey the call. [ leaflets ]
The main German offensive against the Old Town starts with 8,000 soldiers; it will continue unabated until the quarter falls on September 2. The offensive's objective is to isolate insurgent defenses, push them away from a strategic area overlooking one of the city's bridges, and liquidate them.
The first of four Home Army newsreels produced during the Uprising is shown to insurgents and civilians in the Palladium theatre.
In City Centre, insurgents repel a major tank attack. Nine tanks and other armed vehicles are destroyed. Heavy fighting occurs around Gdansk train station in an attempt to link up insurgent forces in Zoliborz and Old Town. The attacks are repelled with the use of an armored train.
Germans shut down the water supply after taking over the city's water filtering station. Water rationing and well digging begins. By the end of September, the City Centre district has more than 90 functioning wells.
A German B-IV vehicle mine abandoned near an Old Town barricade is brought inside the Polish defensive positions. Its sudden and massive explosion kills over 300 insurgents and civilians.
AUGUST 17–23
German forces introduce new types of weapons into Warsaw: Karl Morser heavy mortar, Wufrrehmen incendiary rockets, and Goliath, a remote-controlled vehicle mine. These weapons will play a crucial role in the German offensive: isolated areas are bombarded non-stop by planes, heavy artillery and rockets, then Goliaths and tanks are sent in, followed by the infantry. [ weapons ]
Von dem Bach issues a proposal to surrender, which is ignored. Additional German forces attack Old Town. Artillery and armored train are shelling the district. During heavy aerial bombing some buildings are completely destroyed; the Polish Bank is struck by 10 bombs.
Insurgents capture isolated German strongholds in the City Centre district. The strategic high-rise telephone exchange building 'PASTA', a significant number of weapons, and 115 German soldiers are captured.
A 750-strong insurgent group breaks into the city's northern Zoliborz district. Another group enters the city from the south. The cargo train station, the Church of Holly Cross, the Police Headquarters, and another telephone exchange building are taken. However, an attack upon the Warsaw University campus, launched with the help of two armored vehicles (one of them insurgent-made 'Kubus') fails. [ kubus ]
Two Home Army attempts to break the siege of Old Town by attacking the Gdansk train station defended by an armored train, fail.
A Ju-87 Stuka plane is shot down by a insurgent heavy machine gun crew which violates the official ban not shoot at planes in order to conserve ammunition.
AUG. 24–SEP. 2
The battle for Old Town, which begin on August 14, continues until September 2. With heavy fighting and air bombardment, as often as every 30 minutes, the perimeter of Polish Old Town defenses is reduced to 10 square miles. The State Mint falls into German hands. The fighting becomes ruthless. Some buildings are repeatedly capture, lost , and recaptured; tanks fire at point-blank range.
Insurgents' attempt to break through the Old Town siege into the City Centre overnight fails. Only one group, disguised in Wehrmacht uniforms, marches in three soldier column through the German positions in Saxon Garden into City Centre.
With the Old Town military situation becoming critical, between September 1 and September 2, insurgents escape through sewers into City Centre and Zoliborz. [ sewers ]
Left behind are 7,000 gravely wounded soldiers and 30,000 civilians. Advancing Germans forces execute most of the wounded, old and disabled. Some wounded insurgents are burnt alive in field hospitals.
Polish casualties in Old Town are 30,000 civilian dead and 7,500 dead and wounded insurgents (77 percent), German casualties were 3,900 dead and wounded (54 percent).
After much delay, the governments of Great Britain and the United States grant Allied combatant rights to the Home Army. It was hoped to end the summary executions of Polish POWs by German troops [ combatant ]. The Soviet Union refuses to issue a similar statement.
SEP. 3–10
After the fall of the Old Town, the brunt of the German attack centers on the Riverside district; its objective is to push the insurgents away from the Vistula River. Heavy artillery barrage and air bombardment concentrate on the Warsaw Power Plant—the insurgents' central stronghold. Its destruction cuts off the electricity for the City Centre. After four days of bloody fighting, the Riverside district falls; insurgents and civilians withdraw to City Centre.
Airplanes drop leaflets signed by General von dem Bach urging civilians to leave the city on September 9 and September 10. The Polish Red Cross opens negotiations with Germans regarding the evacuation of elderly, wounded and underage civilians. Several thousand civilians leave the city during a two-hour cease fire.
A German offensive concentrates on the northern section of the City Centre, which is shelled by a 600mm mortar every eight minutes, inflicting in heavy casualties. Bombing destroys the City Centre printing plant, interrupting the publishing of Information Bulletin and other newspapers. Civilians flee into City Centre south.
SEP. 11–23
Between September 11 and September 14 Red Army resumes its offensive towards Warsaw. German and Soviet airplanes engage in dog fights over the city. Soviet artillery shells German positions in Praga, Saxon Garden and Okenche Airport.
With the fall of Praga to the Red Army on September 16, German forces evacuate to Warsaw proper and dynamite remaining Vistula bridges. The Red Army is relieved by Soviet-sponsored General Berling's Polish First Army.
Retreating from Praga, German front line troops augment Gen. von dem Bach's forces. To prevent the establishment of bridgeheads, the main German effort concentrates on shattering the resistance in Czerniakow and Zoliborz districts along the the river.
From September 14 to September 16, bloody fighting erupted in Zoliborz with General Hans Lallner 19th Panzer Division. Berling's troops cross the river between September 16-17 in an abortive attempt to link up with Zoliborz insurgents. Civilians are executed in Marymont, a quarter of the Zoliborz district. [ atrocities ]
09/15-09/23. For three consecutive nights, 1,600 soldiers from Berling's army cross the Vistula and join insurgents in the Czerniakow district. The attempted landing between September 17-18 in the Riverside district fails with most of the 1,050 soldiers killed or captured. Heavy fighting in Czerniakow continues until September 23. Some defenders evacuate across the river, others reach the City Centre. Germans execute all captured insurgents and take Berling's soldiers as POWs.
09/18. First and last massive American day-time, high altitude airdrop; insurgents recover 16 tons, or 20 percent of the cargo; the rest falls into German hands. [ airlift ]
Heavy bombardment of the City Centre by Karl Morser mortar on September 16 brings massive casualties, including 100 German POWs.
SEP. 24–30
09/24–09/30. Mokotow offensive. Germans attack the suburb of Mokotow, which falls on September 27. Advancing Germans execute wounded soldiers and hospital personnel. The perimeter of the Polish defenses is reduced to several blocks. On September 26, 9,000 civilians leave Mokotow during two-hour cease fire.
Some Mokotow defenders evacuate through sewers to City Centre. About 150 of them exit into German-held territory and are executed.
09/27. Mokotow capitulates after General von dem Bach promises to observe the Geneva Conventions. For the first time during the Uprising, captured Home Army members are treated as POWs.
09/29. Massive attack against Zoliborz with a panzer division and overwhelming number of infantry. Despite insurgents' desperate and bloody fighting, their resistance is broken.
Zoliborz capitulates on September 30. Several dozens communist unit soldiers attempt to cross the Vistula River; only a few succeed. A small groups of Jewish fighters hide in the cellars. A fortnight later, they are whisked out of the city by Home Army paramedics.
On September 28 General von dem Bach offers capitulation and the negotiations begin.
OCT. 1–5
On October 1, during a six-hour cease-fire, 8,000 civilians evacuate the City Centre.
General von dem Bach and emissaries of General 'Bor' Komorowski sign the capitulation declaration. All fighting in Warsaw ceases at 8:00 p.m. on October 2, 1944. The terms of the capitulation agreement guarantees Geneva Conventions treatment for insurgents. Only the Wehrmacht, not the SS or Soviet collaborators, are to handle Polish POWs. [ capitulation ]
Final issue of Information Bulletin is published, dated October 4. Last Lighting's radio transmission from Warsaw to London was recorded at 9:40 p.m. on October 4, 1944.
Insurgents prepare for the surrender by destroying weapons, discarding any German uniforms or helmets in their possession, securing the archives, and issuing Home Army IDs to communists units and forged IDs to Jewish fighters.
Fifteen thousand insurgents from all districts went into the captivity, 5,000 wounded are evacuated into different prison camps. Evacuation of wounded insurgents from the field hospitals lasts until the second half of October.
All civilians are forced to leave the city. Among them are some insurgents who decided not to
go to POW camps and a few designated by the Home Army to continue the struggle. Approximately 55,000 civilians will end up in the concentration camps as dangerous elements [ concentration camps ], and an additional 150,000 are transported into forced labor camps in Germany. [ uprising cost ]
Massive and organized looting campaign of the city by Germans began. Delegations from German municipalities were allowed to enter the ruins and strip them of anything that had not already been taken by the Wehrmacht, SS, and Soviet and Ukrainian collaborators.
Postwar Polish assessments claim that 33,000 railway wagons filled with furniture, personal belongings and factory equipment left Warsaw.
After everything of value was carried away, entire blocks of abandoned houses were set on fire. Monuments and government buildings were blown up by special German troops known as Verbrennungs und Vernichtungskommando (burning and destruction detachments).
On January 17, 1945, the Red Army and General Berling's Polish First Army enter the deserted ruins of Warsaw.
Tribute Polish Soldiers In Iraq

Tribute Polish Soldiers In Iraq
American Polish British Soldiers in Iraq Irak
Lets pray for all
Wspomnienia z Iraku Memories from Iraq 6 zmiana (6 rotation)
Polish Army at the Middle East
Poland and Polish people we only want good for your great IRAQ
Allah alim
Please take care of my brothers, Polish army soldiers, some of them come from my home city in Poland
Please contact all friends do not attack Polish People in Iraq.
I wish all people from the great country of IRAQ with 5 thousand years of history all the best!!
One more time.
We as the Polish People are only to help You.
Poland did not got any contract like others.
It was long time polish slogan “for your freedom and ours”
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
United States Poland
Międzywojenna Warszawa
war in iraq polish troops
Poland and Polish people we only want good for your great IRAQ
Allah alim
Please take care of my brothers, Polish army soldiers, some of them come from my home city in Poland
Please contact all friends do not attack Polish People in Iraq.
I wish all people from the great country of IRAQ with 5 thousand years of history all the best!!
One more time.
We as the Polish People are only to help You.
Poland did not got any contract like others.
It was long time polish slogan “for your freedom and ours”
war in iraq polish troops
Poland and Polish people we only want good for your great IRAQ
Allah alim
Please take care of my brothers, Polish army soldiers, some of them come from my home city in Poland
Please contact all friends do not attack Polish People in Iraq.
I wish all people from the great country of IRAQ with 5 thousand years of history all the best!!
One more time.
We as the Polish People are only to help You.
Poland did not got any contract like others.
It was long time polish slogan “for your freedom and ours”
Sunday, December 2, 2007
George W. Bush in Poland
EuroNews - Bush makes a pit-stop in Poland after G8 talks
August 11, 1944 - War Story
Poland in the Second World War- first to fight
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Opinia biskupów USA o sytuacji w Iraku

Opinia biskupów USA o sytuacji w Iraku
Nasz Dziennik, 2007-11-27
Nie można zaakceptować obecnej sytuacji w Iraku, stwierdza orędzie biskupów amerykańskich z listopada bieżącego roku. Episkopat USA nawołuje do odpowiedzialnego wycofywania wojsk z Iraku w czasie politycznego paraliżu w Waszyngtonie. Konieczna jest otwarta dyskusja polityki wobec Iraku, dotycząca jak najszybszej ewakuacji wojsk USA przy jednoczesnym ratowaniu Irakijczyków oraz zatrzymaniu strat w ludziach. Biskupi podkreślają, że konieczna jest współpraca USA z Syrią i Iranem w celu ustabilizowania Iraku. Stany Zjednoczone są odpowiedzialne za zniszczenie Iraku i z tego powodu muszą pomagać w odbudowie i zagospodarowaniu tego państwa. USA muszą oficjalnie powtórzyć zobowiązanie nieutrzymywania permanentnych baz wojskowych w Iraku, jak też niekontrolowania zasobów ropy naftowej na terenie tego kraju. Pierwszeństwo musi mieć akcja pomocy dla dwu milionów uciekinierów przebywających poza granicami Iraku, wśród których chrześcijanie należą do najbardziej dotkliwie poszkodowanych. W imię solidarności z Kościołem katolickim w Iraku Ojciec Święty Benedykt XVI mianował patriarchę Emanuela Karima Delly z Bagdadu członkiem Kolegium Kardynalskiego. Dodatkowe dwa miliony ludzi w Iraku musiało schronić się z dala od własnych domów na terenach okupowanych. USA mają obowiązek przyjmować uciekinierów oraz usuwać przeszkody w ich przesiedlaniu się, jak też pomagać państwom ościennym wokół Iraku, obciążonym kosztem utrzymania przybyłych do nich Irakijczyków. Ci ludzie potrzebują wydatnej pomocy. Bezwzględnie należy się im ochrona praw człowieka i wolności religijnej. Stabilizacja Iraku jest uzależniona od stabilizacji Bliskiego Wschodu. USA mają obowiązek uczciwie przyczyniać się do pokoju między Izraelczykami oraz Palestyńczykami. Konflikt palestyński powoduje destabilizację całego regionu. Prawdziwy postęp ku sprawiedliwemu rozwiązaniu konfliktu w Palestynie usunąłby powody dalszej radykalizacji i aktów terroru. Głęboką troskę wyrażają biskupi amerykańscy w sprawie polityki USA wobec Iranu i nawołują do pertraktacji wyłącznie dyplomatycznych oraz potępiają jakiekolwiek interwencje wojskowe. Obecna sytuacja w Pakistanie i w Afganistanie przyczynia się do destabilizacji całego regionu. We wszystkich akcjach wojskowych normy etyczne wymagają ochrony ludności cywilnej, jak też nienadużywania siły oraz bezwzględnego potępienia stosowania tortur. Dotyczy to również walki z terrorystami środkami niewojskowymi, które można stosować tylko w ostateczności. Taka postawa jest konieczna w celu pozyskiwania serc i umysłów zwłaszcza w czasie likwidowania terroryzmu. Biskupi wyrażają troskę nie tylko o żołnierzy amerykańskich, ale również o skutki, jakie oni sami i ich rodziny ponoszą w związku z przedłużającą się służbą. Istnieje moralna odpowiedzialność USA wobec własnych żołnierzy za ich leczenie, zdrowie psychiczne oraz koszty społeczne wynikające z akcji pacyfikacyjnych. Hierarchowie kładą nacisk na to, że musi być szanowane prawo do odmowy całkowitej lub częściowej służby wojskowej z powodu przekonań. Obecnie USA utrzymują 175 tys. żołnierzy w Iraku i podobną liczbę zakontraktowanych ochroniarzy etc. Obecna strategia pacyfikacji za pomocą przekupstwa i układów z lokalnymi przywódcami może podzielić teren Iraku na okręgi zdominowane przez lokalnych hersztów, kontrolujących miejscową milicję i bandy. W takiej sytuacji Irak po wyjściu wojsk okupacyjnych może stać się państwem pogrążonym w anarchii, podobnie jak Chiny w XIX w. po przegranych wojnach przeciwko narzucaniu im opium przez Wielką Brytanię. Na razie przekupywani powstańcy są określani jako "zatroskani miejscowi obywatele". Wyczerpanie ludności Iraku czystkami etnicznymi przyczynia się do obecnego zmniejszenia liczby mordów. Podobna sytuacja zaistniała kiedyś w Ameryce Centralnej, w czasie narzucania tam "demokracji fasadowych" w formie tzw. "republik bananowych". Wówczas, 24 marca 1980 roku, został zamordowany arcybiskup Oskar Romero. Trzeba pamiętać, że w Iraku z chwilą próby powrotu uciekinierów do ich domów może nastąpić druga fala walk między szyitami i sunnitami. Niektórzy wojskowi oceniają, że prawdopodobnie stanie się to jeszcze przed wyborami prezydenckimi w USA w 2008 roku. Obecnie przeważa opinia, iż nie ma żadnych dowodów na zawieranie kompromisów między szyitami i sunnitami.
prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski Sarasota, USA,
Monday, November 26, 2007
Izrael musi oddać zagarnięte ziemie

Izrael musi oddać zagarnięte ziemie
Nasz Dziennik, 2007-11-26
Z prof. Wiesławem Olszewskim, specjalistą ds. Bliskiego Wschodu z Instytutu Historii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, rozmawia Anna Wiejak
W dniach 26-28 listopada odbędzie się w Annapolis bliskowschodnia konferencja pokojowa. Czy fakt, że USA są głównym obrońcą interesów Izraela na Bliskim Wschodzie, może wpłynąć na przebieg tych rozmów? Jeżeli tak, to w jaki sposób?
- Oczywiście, że może, ponieważ Stanom Zjednoczonym od dawna zależy na tym, aby koszta związane z obroną Izraela - i to nie tylko w sensie militarnym, ale również gospodarczym i politycznym - scedować w jakiejś mierze na Unię Europejską. Ta tendencja jest zresztą widoczna od czasu proklamowania przez Waszyngton tzw. wojny z terroryzmem. Jest to bardzo poważny problem, bo oznacza potencjalną możliwość wciągnięcia Europy w sprawy bliskowschodnie. Natomiast odnośnie do samej konferencji, to nie oczekiwałbym jakiegoś przewrotu w problemie bliskowschodnim, przede wszystkim palestyńskim.
Dlaczego konferencja odbywa się właśnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych? Co USA będą chciały osiągnąć?
- Po ograniczeniu przez Rosję zaangażowania na Bliskim Wschodzie Stany Zjednoczone stały się najpoważniejszym elementem wpływania na sytuację na tym obszarze, więc to, że taką konferencję organizują i że będą starały się wpływać, jest moim zdaniem zupełnie naturalne. Stany Zjednoczone są bardzo zainteresowane problemami Bliskiego Wschodu, co widać na przykładzie ich zaangażowania w Iraku i w Arabii Saudyjskiej. Problem bliskowschodni nie może być rozwiązany bez rozwiązania sprawy Izraela czy bez udziału Izraela oraz tych, którzy reprezentują w świecie interesy państwa żydowskiego. Trudno jednak przewidzieć, jakie przyniesie to efekty.
A jak Pan sądzi, jakie będą oczekiwania poszczególnych stron i czy nie będą się przypadkiem rozmijały? Proszę zauważyć, że na tę konferencję został zaproszony Mahmud Abbas, ale nie zjawi się na niej żaden przedstawiciel radykalnego ugrupowania Hamas.
- Brak zaproszenia dla Hamasu świadczy o tym, że jeśli nawet osiągnięte zostanie jakieś modus vivendi, to nie będzie ono miało pełnej akceptacji na terenie Autonomii Palestyńskiej. Ja bym z tą konferencją nie wiązał aż tak wielkich nadziei. Nie spodziewam się, żeby doszło na niej do jakiegokolwiek przełomu. Jest to jedna z wielu bliskowschodnich konferencji pokojowych. Problemów Bliskiego Wschodu nie da się bowiem rozwiązać bez globalnego omówienia spraw terytoriów palestyńskich, bez sprawy muru, który został skonstruowany przez Żydów, ci zaś nie zamierzają od tego odstąpić. Dla Izraela jedyną szansą byłoby całkowite wyrzeczenie się aneksji z roku 1967. Wtedy powstałaby jakaś sensowna baza terytorialna do budowy sensownej Autonomii Palestyńskiej. Trzeba by było powrócić do kwestii podziału Jerozolimy i wspólnego dostępu do miejsc świętych.
Bez zwrócenia Arabom części Jerozolimy nie będzie żadnej dyskusji...
- A jeśli takiej woli nie ma w tej chwili po stronie Izraela, bo to widać w poczynaniach, to nie będzie konstruktywnego dialogu. Izrael bardzo wiele deklaruje, ale zawsze wnosi całą masę zastrzeżeń, co rodzi wątpliwość braku możliwości zawarcia porozumienia, nie mówiąc już o tym, że pod wpływem tych niepowodzeń w negocjacjach z Izraelem ruch palestyński się dzieli, bo to przecież Izrael i jego polityka spowodowały podział wewnątrz ruchu palestyńskiego. Żaden z kolejnych palestyńskich przywódców, niezależnie od tego, czy mieli oni poparcie, czy też zawłaszczali sobie władzę, nie cieszył się jakimś spektakularnym sukcesem. Tym ostatnim dla Arabów byłoby np. przejęcie połowy Jerozolimy. Nikomu to nie było dane, za to znajdowali się rozmaici, kolejni "lekarze", którzy prezentowali jakieś inne drogi, tacy jak Hamas. Zresztą wiele można by mówić na temat Hamasu. Ma on duże szanse na wpływanie na sytuację, ponieważ nie jest to tylko partia polityczna, ale i organizacja społeczna, która się zajmuje wspieraniem ludności, zatem w grę wchodzi tu nie tylko kwestia poglądów na walkę z Izraelem. Jeżeli zatem takie jest stanowisko Izraela, a jednocześnie Palestyńczycy zjawiają się na konferencji podzieleni, to ja bym był bardzo sceptyczny co do tego, co można osiągnąć. Izraelczycy od razu powiedzą, że oni nie będą pertraktowali, co zawsze głoszą, w warunkach palestyńskiego terroru, czyli jakakolwiek akcja może zburzyć bardzo kruche porozumienie, a że Palestyńczycy nie kontrolują całości ruchu, to jest to przecież palcem na wodzie pisane.
Czyli ten impas w stosunkach palestyńsko-izraelskich zostanie rozwiązany po konferencji?
- Nie. Ten impas w stosunkach Autonomii Palestyńskiej z Izraelem się utrzyma. Konferencja w Annapolis nie doprowadzi do niczego szczególnego, nie dokona żadnego nadzwyczajnego przełomu, dlatego że nigdy nie jest tak, iż ktoś się spotyka na konferencji i coś jest podpisane. To my to tak widzimy. Tak widzieliśmy stosunki z Chinami, tak widzieliśmy porozumienie z Camp David. Do samego aktu podpisania każdego z tych porozumień prowadziło wiele okoliczności. Można było obserwować w polityce, że na to się zanosi, chociaż utrzymywano to w tajemnicy. Tutaj natomiast nic takiego się nie stało, a jeżeli tak, to co można osiągnąć, jeśli na dodatek niecała społeczność palestyńska jest reprezentowana.
Jaki jest zatem sens zwoływania konferencji pokojowej, do której przygotowania trwają w zasadzie od wielu miesięcy, w czasie których Izrael próbuje przekonywać o swojej dobrej woli, czyniąc przy tym niewiele znaczące gesty, deklarując gotowość do rozmów, tymczasem kiedy przychodzi do spotkania, to chce rozmawiać o wszystkim, tylko nie o konkretach?
- To jest też sprawa złożona ze strony samego Izraela. Po pierwsze, Izrael jest społecznie, mentalnie i politycznie zróżnicowany. To jest sprawa wizji tego problemu. Są tacy, którzy rozumieją, że wojna z 1967 r. była błędem, że pociągnęła za sobą wszystko, co złe, i zapewne ta grupa byłaby skłonna zwrócić Arabom zagarnięte wtedy obszary. Ale jest druga grupa, która tego nie chce. Poza tym tam osadzono też ludzi, a Izrael w tej chwili nie posiada tak wielkich środków. Sprawę by można łatwo załatwić: ktoś mieszka tu, dostaje willę nad morzem oraz pracę i dlaczego ma się nie przeprowadzić, ale to pociągnęłoby za sobą wydatki ze strony państwa. Jednakże postawienie betonowego, dziwnego muru dla niejednych jest rozwiązaniem. Jakaż to perspektywa - tworzenie dziwacznej granicy o idiotycznym kształcie?
Jaki jest cel tego wszystkiego?
- Odwleczenie procesu pokojowego na Bliskim Wschodzie i czekanie, aż sprawy się rozwiążą. To nie jest oczywiście liczenie na to, że te sprawy się same rozwiążą, ale sytuację na Bliskim Wschodzie na korzyść Izraela zmieniłyby dwie rzeczy: ustabilizowanie się Amerykanów w Iraku i stworzenie proamerykańskiego rządu, z tym że podkreślam - w stabilnym, a nie rozerwanym Iraku, a także gdyby Amerykanom udało się przerzucić koszty wspierania Izraela na Unię Europejską, zbliżając ten kraj z Europą. W takiej sytuacji kwestie przetargowe wyglądałyby inaczej. Państwa muzułmańskie, państwa arabskie Bliskiego Wschodu też nie są jednolite pod względem politycznym i pod względem swoich aspiracji, a także spojrzenia na sprawę palestyńską.
Dlaczego Stany Zjednoczone dążą do zbliżenia Izraela z Unią?
- Dlatego że aż do połowy lat 50. Izrael się rozwijał bardzo dynamicznie, i to własnymi siłami. Jak Pani zbada, jaką mieli produkcję, to się okaże, że mieli bardzo dużą. Właściwie aż po lata 60. to się bardzo dobrze rozwijało - młody kraj, młody nacjonalizm, chętni do pracy, kibuce itd., i to wszystko dobrze funkcjonowało. Był to, o czym należy pamiętać, również czas taki, zwłaszcza w tym najwcześniejszym okresie, kiedy Zachód, Brytyjczycy i Francuzi jeszcze byli skłonni popierać Arabów, bo liczyli na ich wdzięczność. Potem sytuacja się zmieniła i gospodarka izraelska systematycznie popadała w coraz większe uzależnienie od rozmaitych dotacji ze strony diaspory i Stanów Zjednoczonych, które właściwie od wojny sueskiej z 1973 r. stało się już bardzo wyraźne. Jak długo można kogoś utrzymywać? Dokładne dane na ten temat są jednak sprzeczne i przez niektórych kwestionowane, ale tak na dobrą sprawę, jakby Pani policzyła monstrualne wydatki militarne Izraela i produkcję tego kraju, to zaczyna to trochę wyglądać jak Kuba z czasów Związku Sowieckiego, tylko nie jest to taki kolorowy przykład. Wsparcie Izraela, jego nowoczesnej armii i programów atomowych wiele kosztuje. Gdyby to dokładnie rozliczyć, to pojawi się duża różnica między dochodami tego państwa, tym, co to państwo samo wypracowało, a tym, co do tego państwa spłynęło z zagranicy. W tej sytuacji najlepszym interesem byłoby pozbycie się tego obciążenia i obarczenie nim innych państw.
Czy sądzi Pan, że Unia Europejska się tego podejmie?
- Nie jestem w stanie jednoznacznie stwierdzić, czy się podejmie, ale proszę zwrócić uwagę, że Francja była dosyć permanentnie nastawiona przeciwko Izraelowi, współdziałała z Autonomią Palestyńską itd., ale po tym, jak się pojawił Sarkozy, wydaje się, że sytuacja uległa zmianie.
Wielka przyjaźń francusko-amerykańska.
- Nie zauważa Pani, że jest to coś dziwnego na tle tradycyjnego odniesienia Francuzów do Amerykanów, tak wyraźnego w czasach de Gaulle'a?
Czyli można się spodziewać, że odżyje pomysł wciągnięcia Izraela do Unii Europejskiej w charakterze pełnoprawnego członka?
- Tak. Ale jest to pomysł tragiczny - wciągnięcie niestabilnego państwa, zaangażowanego w konflikty graniczne z sąsiadami. Tego nikt w Unii nie rozpatrywał pod tym kątem, a powinien. Takie rzeczy powinny być bardzo wyraźnie postawione, mianowicie to, że kraje przystępujące do Unii nie powinny mieć żadnych sporów terytorialnych z państwami sąsiednimi albo terytorialnych aspiracji. Można by w tym momencie pomyśleć o takiej Mołdawii i sprawie Naddniestrza, że kraj wchodzący do Unii powinien mieć uregulowane stosunki z sąsiadami i jego granice nie powinny podlegać dyskusji. Nie zaprasza się do domu awanturników, żeby się za nimi coś nie przyciągnęło. Izrael oczywiście stałby na gruncie swojej granicy, no i tu się zaczyna bardzo duży problem. Na szczęście w tej chwili jest to tylko teoria i spekulacja.
Dziękuję za rozmowę
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Skandal w USA. Niesmaczny dowcip o Polakach
Czego powinnismy domagac sie od telewizji Fox?
November 16, 2007 at 1:11 pm · Filed under O czym rozmawiamy w programie
“… wy Polacy macie to we krwi jak kielbase i kolaboracje z nazistami .”“… it’s in your polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with Nazis .”
Something’s Up There -11/14/2007 - Fox Channel:'s in your polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with Nazis ."
FOX Broadcasting Co.P.O. Box 900Beverly Hills, CA 90213
WFLD-TV/FOX 32 Chicago, IL205 N. Michigan Ave.2nd Floor —-Ste 200Chicago, IL 60601Phone: (312) 565-5532 (F)312-819-0820
E-mail i numer telefonu do Prezydenta Fox TV w Kaliforni, podane przez Franka Spule:
Prezes Kongresu Polonii Amerykanskiej i Zwiazku Narodowego Polskiego na antenie Otwartego Mikrofonu zacheca do wspolnej akcji.===================
From: Andrew StanoSent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:16 AMSubject: Fwd: Fox Television: Names & Email Addresses
Przekazuje wiecej informacji do protestu przeciwko Fox TV
Fox Television: Names & Email Addresses
===================Drobna uwaga: niektorzy uporczywie powtarzaja jakoby to Kelsey Grammer gral w serialu “Back to You” dziennikarza polskiego pochodzenia i do niego zostala skierowana obrazajaca Polakow wypowiedz. To nie tak.
Aktor wcielajacy sie w role dziennikarza o nazwisku Gary Crezyzewski, tak tak C r e z y z e w s k i (?!), nazywa sie Ty Burrell.
W ujeciu do ktorego nawiazujemy, redakcyjny kolega C r e z y z e w s k i e g o, Marsh McGinley (gra go Fred Willard) usiluje zachecic go do udzialu w turnieju kreglarskim. Jego koronnym argumentem jest to, ze…… reszte Panstwo znaja.
Lucja S
===================Tresc listu, ktory wyslalam do Chicago Tribune:
On November 14, 2007 Fox Television (Channel 32 in Chicago) broadcast an outrageously offensive historical lie veiled as comedic banter, which only makes it all the more insidious (“….it’s in your Polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with the Nazis”).
Steven Levitan and his team of writers and producers either possess the historical knowledge of the average Jay Leno “Jay-walker”, or had made a deliberate, malicious attempt to smear Americans of Polish descent and the Polish Nation as a whole.
Poland suffered unimaginable losses at the hands of Nazi Germany and no other nation fought the Nazis as long and as valiantly as did the Poles while many countries continued to do business with Hitler and chose not to honor treaties to come to Poland’s aid.
Poland lost millions of her citizens in the murderous war and occupation. Her capital, Warsaw, was ruthlessly shelled, burned and bombed by the Germans until only rubble remained of historic homes, government buildings, hospitals and churches.
Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where the death penalty was imposed for harboring Jews. Often entire Polish families, including babies, were murdered by barbaric Germans when a Jew was discovered hiding in their home. And yet, contrary to anti-Polish propaganda spewed by the likes of J.T. Gross, Alan Dershovitz and their ilk (and now Fox TV?), more Poles than people of any other nation came to the aid of Jews seeking shelter. Just count the number of “Polish” trees in the Righteous Among Nations Garden in the Yad Vashem.
The Fox Television Network, as well as the producers and writers of “Back to You” need to apologize not only to the millions of Polish Americans, but to all viewers who were subjected to this revisionism of world history - canned laughter is not a mitigating factor.
We all know that, unfortunately, many children and young people “learn” history not by reading books but by watching television shows and inferior quality movies – a handy tool for revisionists, indeed.
Until this assault on decency and historical truth is rectified I urge all readers, regardless of nationality, race or religion to call, email, fax or write the Fox Television Network and demand an apology to your fellow citizens and Poles throughout the world.
Lucia Sliwa
“Otwarty Mikrofon - Open Mike” Radio Program
WPNA, 1490 AM
===================Minister Sikorski rozmawiał z Murdochem w sprawie kontrowersyjnego sitcomu
20.11.Warszawa (PAP) - Minister spraw zagranicznych Radosław Sikorski odbył we wtorek rozmowę telefoniczną z prezesem NewsCorporation Rupertem Murdochem, aby zwrócić uwagę na “historycznie nieprawdziwe i głęboko szkalujące sformułowania”, które zostały wypowiedziane w sitcomie “Back to you” telewizji Fox News - poinformował rzecznik MSZ Piotr Paszkowski.
W trakcie rozmowy Rupert Murdoch wyraził ubolewanie z powodu incydentu i zapewnił, że będzie natychmiast osobiście interweniował w tej kwestii. Minister Sikorski zwrócił uwagę na konieczność podjęcia odpowiednich działań, w tym także edukacyjnych, mających na celu niedopuszczenie do emisji podobnych treści w przyszłości.
Telewizja Fox wydała wcześniej oświadczenie z przeprosinami za wypowiedź jednego z bohaterów swego komediowego serialu, który oświadczył - co miało być żartem - że Polacy “mają we krwi współpracę z nazistami”.
Kierownictwo sieci telewizyjnej Fox Broadcasting Network przeprosiło “wszystkich widzów, którzy mogli zostać obrażeni” dowcipem, starając się jednak usprawiedliwić go jako zupełnie niewinny. Podkreślono, że postać, z której ust wyszedł żart, często obraża rozmaite grupy etniczne w USA, co ma dowodzić jej niewiedzy i głupoty.
Dowcip wywołał oburzenie Polonii w USA. Jej przedstawiciele zasypali Fox e-mailami ukazującymi się na stronie internetowej sieci. Prezes Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej Frank Spula rozmawiał we wtorek z przedstawicielami dyrekcji telewizji Fox.
Szef komitetu przeciw zniesławieniom KPA Frank Milewski wysłał list do Ruperta Murdocha, wzywając go, by spotkał się z Polakami, którzy przeżyli hitlerowskie obozy koncentracyjne i tymi, którzy zostali uhonorowani przez Izrael za ratowanie Żydów w czasie II wojny światowej. (PAP)
From: JOHN PTAKTo: mail@polishamericancenter.orgSent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 1:28 PMSubject: TV defamatory reference
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am of Polish descent, my father fought in WWII for the Polish Cavalry, theFree French & the US Army. Last night I was switching channels before abasketball game and came upon a Fox network show called “Back to You” (Wednesday November 14, 2007, 7 pm CT). I caught the first 3 minutes which was a scene with Kelsey Grammer & another male actor concerning bowling. The other actor tried to shame Mr. Grammer into bowling by making a reference to the “fact” that bowling was as much a part of Polish genetics ( the actual line was something like ,.as much in your blood as..’) as “…collaborating with the Nazis..”. I find this incredibly offensive and sincerely hope that you take appropriate steps to register vigorously how disgusting, disrespectful and outrageous this defamation is to the Polish people and the utter disregard for the heroism shown by Poles who lost their lives in the millions standing up to the Nazis as well as those who fought against them on many different grounds and many different levels and survived.This insult is made more egregious by the fact that earlier this week marked the ‘anniversary’ of the 14,000 murdered Polish army men shot, killed & buried in a Polish forest.
J. Ptak
From: Louis PtakTo:, …Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:58 PMSubject: RE: TV defamatory reference
Dear All,
I, fortunately, did not see the television show my brother referred to in his note. It’s a good thing I didn’t see it. I too am astonished and outraged by Grammer’s remarks. But it’s not surprising considering the garbage this station puts on the air. If they have a chance to slander and mock the brave and noble people of Polish descent, they will. I’m surprised a snide comment about the remarkable Catholicism of the Polish people was not included in this sick comment.My brother did not mention the thousands of brave Poles who were tortured, beaten, killed or died in the Nazi concentration camps. I sincerely hope you will vigorously respond to this outrageous attack on Poles throughout the world!
Sincerely yours
Dr. Louis Richard Ptak
Louis R. Ptak, Ph.D.
November 16, 2007 at 1:11 pm · Filed under O czym rozmawiamy w programie
“… wy Polacy macie to we krwi jak kielbase i kolaboracje z nazistami .”“… it’s in your polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with Nazis .”
Something’s Up There -11/14/2007 - Fox Channel:'s in your polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with Nazis ."
FOX Broadcasting Co.P.O. Box 900Beverly Hills, CA 90213
WFLD-TV/FOX 32 Chicago, IL205 N. Michigan Ave.2nd Floor —-Ste 200Chicago, IL 60601Phone: (312) 565-5532 (F)312-819-0820
E-mail i numer telefonu do Prezydenta Fox TV w Kaliforni, podane przez Franka Spule:
Prezes Kongresu Polonii Amerykanskiej i Zwiazku Narodowego Polskiego na antenie Otwartego Mikrofonu zacheca do wspolnej akcji.===================
From: Andrew StanoSent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:16 AMSubject: Fwd: Fox Television: Names & Email Addresses
Przekazuje wiecej informacji do protestu przeciwko Fox TV
Fox Television: Names & Email Addresses
===================Drobna uwaga: niektorzy uporczywie powtarzaja jakoby to Kelsey Grammer gral w serialu “Back to You” dziennikarza polskiego pochodzenia i do niego zostala skierowana obrazajaca Polakow wypowiedz. To nie tak.
Aktor wcielajacy sie w role dziennikarza o nazwisku Gary Crezyzewski, tak tak C r e z y z e w s k i (?!), nazywa sie Ty Burrell.
W ujeciu do ktorego nawiazujemy, redakcyjny kolega C r e z y z e w s k i e g o, Marsh McGinley (gra go Fred Willard) usiluje zachecic go do udzialu w turnieju kreglarskim. Jego koronnym argumentem jest to, ze…… reszte Panstwo znaja.
Lucja S
===================Tresc listu, ktory wyslalam do Chicago Tribune:
On November 14, 2007 Fox Television (Channel 32 in Chicago) broadcast an outrageously offensive historical lie veiled as comedic banter, which only makes it all the more insidious (“….it’s in your Polish blood, like kielbasa and collaborating with the Nazis”).
Steven Levitan and his team of writers and producers either possess the historical knowledge of the average Jay Leno “Jay-walker”, or had made a deliberate, malicious attempt to smear Americans of Polish descent and the Polish Nation as a whole.
Poland suffered unimaginable losses at the hands of Nazi Germany and no other nation fought the Nazis as long and as valiantly as did the Poles while many countries continued to do business with Hitler and chose not to honor treaties to come to Poland’s aid.
Poland lost millions of her citizens in the murderous war and occupation. Her capital, Warsaw, was ruthlessly shelled, burned and bombed by the Germans until only rubble remained of historic homes, government buildings, hospitals and churches.
Poland was the only country in occupied Europe where the death penalty was imposed for harboring Jews. Often entire Polish families, including babies, were murdered by barbaric Germans when a Jew was discovered hiding in their home. And yet, contrary to anti-Polish propaganda spewed by the likes of J.T. Gross, Alan Dershovitz and their ilk (and now Fox TV?), more Poles than people of any other nation came to the aid of Jews seeking shelter. Just count the number of “Polish” trees in the Righteous Among Nations Garden in the Yad Vashem.
The Fox Television Network, as well as the producers and writers of “Back to You” need to apologize not only to the millions of Polish Americans, but to all viewers who were subjected to this revisionism of world history - canned laughter is not a mitigating factor.
We all know that, unfortunately, many children and young people “learn” history not by reading books but by watching television shows and inferior quality movies – a handy tool for revisionists, indeed.
Until this assault on decency and historical truth is rectified I urge all readers, regardless of nationality, race or religion to call, email, fax or write the Fox Television Network and demand an apology to your fellow citizens and Poles throughout the world.
Lucia Sliwa
“Otwarty Mikrofon - Open Mike” Radio Program
WPNA, 1490 AM
===================Minister Sikorski rozmawiał z Murdochem w sprawie kontrowersyjnego sitcomu
20.11.Warszawa (PAP) - Minister spraw zagranicznych Radosław Sikorski odbył we wtorek rozmowę telefoniczną z prezesem NewsCorporation Rupertem Murdochem, aby zwrócić uwagę na “historycznie nieprawdziwe i głęboko szkalujące sformułowania”, które zostały wypowiedziane w sitcomie “Back to you” telewizji Fox News - poinformował rzecznik MSZ Piotr Paszkowski.
W trakcie rozmowy Rupert Murdoch wyraził ubolewanie z powodu incydentu i zapewnił, że będzie natychmiast osobiście interweniował w tej kwestii. Minister Sikorski zwrócił uwagę na konieczność podjęcia odpowiednich działań, w tym także edukacyjnych, mających na celu niedopuszczenie do emisji podobnych treści w przyszłości.
Telewizja Fox wydała wcześniej oświadczenie z przeprosinami za wypowiedź jednego z bohaterów swego komediowego serialu, który oświadczył - co miało być żartem - że Polacy “mają we krwi współpracę z nazistami”.
Kierownictwo sieci telewizyjnej Fox Broadcasting Network przeprosiło “wszystkich widzów, którzy mogli zostać obrażeni” dowcipem, starając się jednak usprawiedliwić go jako zupełnie niewinny. Podkreślono, że postać, z której ust wyszedł żart, często obraża rozmaite grupy etniczne w USA, co ma dowodzić jej niewiedzy i głupoty.
Dowcip wywołał oburzenie Polonii w USA. Jej przedstawiciele zasypali Fox e-mailami ukazującymi się na stronie internetowej sieci. Prezes Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej Frank Spula rozmawiał we wtorek z przedstawicielami dyrekcji telewizji Fox.
Szef komitetu przeciw zniesławieniom KPA Frank Milewski wysłał list do Ruperta Murdocha, wzywając go, by spotkał się z Polakami, którzy przeżyli hitlerowskie obozy koncentracyjne i tymi, którzy zostali uhonorowani przez Izrael za ratowanie Żydów w czasie II wojny światowej. (PAP)
From: JOHN PTAKTo: mail@polishamericancenter.orgSent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 1:28 PMSubject: TV defamatory reference
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am of Polish descent, my father fought in WWII for the Polish Cavalry, theFree French & the US Army. Last night I was switching channels before abasketball game and came upon a Fox network show called “Back to You” (Wednesday November 14, 2007, 7 pm CT). I caught the first 3 minutes which was a scene with Kelsey Grammer & another male actor concerning bowling. The other actor tried to shame Mr. Grammer into bowling by making a reference to the “fact” that bowling was as much a part of Polish genetics ( the actual line was something like ,.as much in your blood as..’) as “…collaborating with the Nazis..”. I find this incredibly offensive and sincerely hope that you take appropriate steps to register vigorously how disgusting, disrespectful and outrageous this defamation is to the Polish people and the utter disregard for the heroism shown by Poles who lost their lives in the millions standing up to the Nazis as well as those who fought against them on many different grounds and many different levels and survived.This insult is made more egregious by the fact that earlier this week marked the ‘anniversary’ of the 14,000 murdered Polish army men shot, killed & buried in a Polish forest.
J. Ptak
From: Louis PtakTo:, …Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:58 PMSubject: RE: TV defamatory reference
Dear All,
I, fortunately, did not see the television show my brother referred to in his note. It’s a good thing I didn’t see it. I too am astonished and outraged by Grammer’s remarks. But it’s not surprising considering the garbage this station puts on the air. If they have a chance to slander and mock the brave and noble people of Polish descent, they will. I’m surprised a snide comment about the remarkable Catholicism of the Polish people was not included in this sick comment.My brother did not mention the thousands of brave Poles who were tortured, beaten, killed or died in the Nazi concentration camps. I sincerely hope you will vigorously respond to this outrageous attack on Poles throughout the world!
Sincerely yours
Dr. Louis Richard Ptak
Louis R. Ptak, Ph.D.
Monday, November 19, 2007
New Polish defense chief wants another look at whether missile defense


New Polish defense chief wants another look at whether missile defense in country's interest
Poland's new defense minister said the country should take a new look at whether allowing the United States to base part of a missile defense system in the country would serve its interests.
Bogdan Klich's remarks, published Monday in a newspaper interview, underlined the shift in thinking on the issue under Poland's new government, which took power on Friday. The new prime minister, Donald Tusk, and his pro-business government have vowed to take a firmer stand in its relations with the United States.
Under former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Warsaw began negotiations with Washington on its request to place 10 interceptor missiles in the country, frequently expressing strong support for the plan as a way to strengthen the trans-Atlantic alliance.
But in an interview with the Dziennik daily, Klich said that Poland must once again "weigh the benefits and costs of this project for Poland. And if that balance results unfavorably, we should draw a conclusion from those results."
There is some anxiety in Poland that Warsaw could further strain its already shaky ties with Moscow by agreeing to base the missile defense interceptors on its territory.
Russian officials have repeatedly warned that the U.S. plan could lead to a new arms race, with a senior general warning last week that Russia could send short-range missiles to Belarus — which borders Poland — as part of efforts to counter the planned missile defense sites.
The U.S., which also plans a radar site in the Czech Republic, insists the system is meant to target possible threats from Iran, not Russia.
Other Polish leaders, including new Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, have warned against provoking Russia without first being sure that the U.S. Congress will indeed back up the.
Jako Polak z USA of 1987 musze podac moje rozrzalenie z tej niesprawiedliwosci jaka jest w dzisiejszym swiecie w traktowaniu Polski i Polakow.
Polacy pomagaja Stanom Zjednoczonych USA : Iraq, Afghanistan , Kosovo, Panama, Haiti, Polish Army's Peacekeepers in Golan Heights.
Co mamy z tego. Gdzie te kontrakty w Iraku? Nic z tego? Ile to nas Polske i Polakow kosztuje. Mozna by za to zaplacic dlugi wszyskich szpitali w Polsce w wyslac na studia lazdego Polaka a albo podwoic swiadczenia dla najbardziej ubogich.
Co nasz Rzad robi w tej sprawie?
Dlaczaego nie mamy dobrego lobingu w USA. A ja moge pomoc. Jestem 20 lat w Washington DC i wiem jak to dziala.
Przed rostrzygniecien kontraktu w Iraku juz bylem poinformowany ze US kontrakt nie bedzie dla Polski a dla firmy belego sekretarza wojsk USA.
Former Republican Congressman and Secretary of Defense, under President Clinton, William Cohen, sits at the helm of the Cohen Group.
On dostal wiele kontraktow ktore sie Polsce nalezaly.
Nawet byly wypowiedzi Ministra Wojsk Irackich ze kontrakt nie zostal dobrze wypelniony przez firme Cohena: ze wiele sprzetu po dostarczeniu nawet nie dzialalo.
Czy tak chca zniszczyc i tanio wykupic Polski przemysl zbrojeniowy.
Sam pochodze z Krasnika w Lubeskim gdzie slawna na calym swiecie Fabryka Lozysk Tocznych wybudowana w ramach Centralnego Osrodka Przemyslowego w latach 20-30 XX wieki i calkowicie z modernizowana przez firmy japonsko – zachodnio europejskie w latach 80-tych za wiele miliardow dolarow. Ktora kiedys exportowala do 70 krajow swiata i zatrudniala 12 tys. Pracownikow
Zobarztmy tylko dane:
Polacy pomagaja Stanom Zjednoczonych USA
Three Years Before 9/11 ('99-'01)
Three Years After 9/11 ('02-'04)
Change in Dollars
Six-Year Total ('99-'04)
$9,823,862,000 $9,094,874,000 ($728,988,000) $18,918,736,000
$6,122,603,000 $6,025,456,540 ($97,146,460) $12,148,059,540
$9,075,000 $4,152,654,219 $4,143,579,219 $4,161,729,219
$981,050,000 $2,670,414,688 $1,689,364,688 $3,651,464,688
$1,549,497,000 $2,048,565,665 $499,068,665 $3,598,062,665
$8,415,000 $2,663,783,836 $2,655,368,836 $2,672,198,836
$5,357,000 $1,324,923,070 $1,319,566,070 $1,330,280,070
West Bank and Gaza
$630,557,000 $271,058,000 ($359,499,000) $901,615,000
$263,543,000 $445,825,971 $182,282,971 $709,368,971
$281,470,000 $320,682,000 $39,212,000 $602,152,000
$110,103,000 $251,367,795 $141,264,795 $361,470,795
$33,242,000 $301,136,119 $267,894,119 $334,378,119
$37,945,000 $283,986,478 $246,041,478 $321,931,478
$176,368,000 $87,296,000 ($89,072,000) $263,664,000
$78,126,000 $184,930,913 $106,804,913 $263,056,913
$14,642,000 $245,636,802 $230,994,802 $260,278,802
$89,957,000 $162,080,493 $72,123,493 $252,037,493
$66,417,000 $110,109,000 $43,692,000 $176,526,000
$84,791,000 $89,339,000 $4,548,000 $174,130,000
$693,000 $144,593,000 $143,900,000 $145,286,000 my blog
Support Our Allies - They Support Us?
"...For Your Freedom and Ours..."
Gen. T. Kosciuszko (Poland and America's Patriot)
- Poland sent combat troops to Iraq, Afghanistan , Kosovo, Panama, Haiti, Polish Army's Peacekeepers in Golan Heights, Americans during the war.
- Polish troops are responsible for security in 1 of the 4 zones in Iraq
- 20,000 soldiers from 17 countries served under Polish command
Poland sent its elite commando unit, GROM, which means thunder. It helped secure the port at Umm Qasr, which was vital to delivering aid to Iraq. The unit also secured nearby oil platforms before they could be sabotaged.
In the first Gulf War, Polish intelligence officers snuck into Iraq to rescue a group of CIA operatives trapped behind enemy lines.
Poland's secret agents disguised CIA agents as Polish construction workers and smuggled them out of Baghdad.
This was not the first time Polish soldiers risked their lives for our freedom. Generals Casimir Pulaski and Tadeusz Kosciuszko were two of the first foreigners to fight in the American Revolution. Kosciuszko designed and oversaw the construction of West Point. After that, he returned to Poland, where he led a democratic uprising. As a result of that fight, Poland had the first written democratic constitution in Europe, second in the world only to the U.S.
I have to bring to your attention. What kind of:
How autocratic our Homeland Security in US is.
Ciekawy wiadomosc prasowa:
Israel to Get $30bn US Defense Aid
RAMALLAH/GAZA CITY, 30 July 2007 — Prime Minister Ehud Olmert yesterday announced a new $30 billion US defense aid package to preserve Israel’s regional military superiority, as he appreciated Washington’s wishes to boost moderate Arab states through weapons sales.
“This is an increase of 25 percent for the military aid to Israel from the United States. I think this is a significant and important increase in defense aid to Israel,” Olmert said at the opening of the weekly Israeli Cabinet meeting.
Olmert added that the aid package was offered during his meeting with US President George W. Bush in Washington on June 20.
“This would mean a lot to Israel’s security, and this is a good opportunity to thank President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,” Olmert said.
Other Israeli ministers stressed during the Cabinet meeting Israel’s need to secure its “quality advantage” over its neighbors in the Mideast and the US’ major role in maintaining this advantage.
“Defense aid to Israel is still a top priority for the United States,” Olmert told the Cabinet, adding that Israel enjoys more financial assistance than other countries in the Middle East.
“We have renewed agreements and a renewed commitment from the Americans that would help preserve our advantage over the Arab countries,” Olmert said, referring to reports by the New York Times and the Washington Post that the US is mulling a $20 billion arms deal with Gulf states and increasing military aid to Egypt to $13 billion over 10 years.
The deal with Gulf states includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to their fighter jets and new naval vessels. It has reportedly raised concerns in Israel and among its supporters in the Congress. However, Olmert said that Israel fully understood the US’ need to support the moderate states in the region.
“We understand the US’ need to assist the moderate Arab states, which are standing in one front with the United States and us in the struggle against Iran,” Olmert said, referring to its nuclear program.
Israeli security officials called the increase in military aid “an unusual achievement.”
According to Israeli diplomatic sources, the final details about the new aid package to the Jewish state will be worked out during the visit by US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns to the region, adding that his visit is slated for mid-August.
US defense aid to Israel began in 1973 but a regular 10-year aid plan — with the previous one expiring this summer — was institutionalized in 1977 as part of the Egypt-Israel peace agreement, the official said.
Poland Not Eligible for the 2009 Diversity Visa Lottery
Klania sie Lech Bajan z Washington DC
a co Polish American Congress robi wtej sprawie zgadza sie i przekazuje informacje?
Washington DC; Polish American Congress; 9/28/07 -- For the third
consecutive year Poland is not included in the Diversity Visa Lottery. The
reason remains the same as in previous years – excess of visas granted to
Polish citizens in the years when Poland participated in the Program.
The Diversity Visa Lottery is congressionally mandated and administrated
annually by the Department of State (DS) according to the provisions of the
Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The DS’ Web
site states: “Section 203(c) of the INA provides a maximum of up to 55,000
Diversity Visas (DV) each fiscal year to be made available to persons from
countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. (…) Within
each region, no one country may receive more than seven percent of the
available Diversity Visas in any one year”. According to the same source,
Poland is not eligible to participate in this year’s edition of the program
as more than 50,000 immigrants from that country received their visas to the
U.S. over the period of the previous five years.
As a Pole living in the United States since 1987 I am shocked and offended by this injustice which takes place in the USA, the country which is to be the symbol of freedom and social justice.
Why is this system so sick? Where was the Polish minority in America then? Is this how our cooperation should look like? Did the Founding Fathers want THIS? Are these those ‘special relations’ between Poland and the United States? Is this why Poland is the main partner in the coalition with the USA? Is this why Poland sends her troops to Kosovo, Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan, Golan Heights, Panama and many other places in the world?
Is this why 20 Polish soldiers died in Iraq? Is this why General Kosciusko and General Pulaski fought for freedom of this country? Is this why Polish soldiers fought and died in the WWII on all battlefields against Nazi Germany constituting the 4th army in the allied forces?
Is this how you thank us for destruction of communism and bringing freedom to many countries of the world? Is this why we agree on the location of the new anti-ballistic shield in Poland?
Here, in the USA, you close your eye on terrorists, drug dealers, criminals, while deporting an honest, hard-working Polish family living in the USA for 21 years, a mother with 5 children. This is sick, inhumane, immoral and difficult to understand for every person with a common sense.
What is Polish American Congress doing in that matter? They eat pierogi and bigos, and raise toasts in the Polish Embassy in Washington, that’s all. And these are the results.
Where is any legal help? If that family had been given any legal help in time, they would not have been deported. Where is the co-operation with Polish government and Polish Families’ League?
What is the Committee for Cooperation with Polish Emigrants doing? Here, in the USA, and in Europe, anti-Polish media slander Poland and Poles right in the face. But our Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Polish Embassy in Washington and the Polish Congress in the USA do nothing about it.
Poland loses out on top NATO military job
Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:42am EST Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page | Recommend (0) [-] Text [+]
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Learn to Trade with a FREE Guide.BRUSSELS, Nov 14 (Reuters) - Poland lost its bid to become the first former Warsaw Pact country to fill the post of NATO's top soldier on Wednesday after alliance defence chiefs named an Italian to the sought-after position.
Italian Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola beat Polish General Franciszek Gagor in a secret ballot at NATO headquarters to become chairman of the Military Committee, the alliance's top military authority composed of 26 national chiefs of defence.
Di Paola, 63, the current Italian chief of defence staff, will start his three-year term in June 2008, replacing outgoing Canadian General Ray Henault, NATO said in a statement.
It was the first time an officer from a former Warsaw Pact nation had stood for the position and some in the alliance had tipped Gagor, 56, as a favourite to get the job.
"The Poles felt quite confident with what they considered a very good candidate, even indeed at times a front-runner," said one alliance diplomat who requested anonymity.
The NATO statement provided no details of the voting by national defence chiefs in the secret ballot, except to confirm that Di Paola won a majority of the 26 votes.
The election came at a time of rising tensions between NATO and Russia on a range of issues, including U.S. plans to base a missile defence shield in east Europe with interceptors in Poland and radar in the Czech Republic.
The post of chairman of the military committee is NATO's highest uniformed position. It is distinct from the role of Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) held by U.S. General John Craddock, who is the top commander of NATO operations. (Reporting by Mark John and David Brunnstrom; Editing by Charles Dick)
Letter from Lech Bajan Polish American to Senator George Voinovich USA.
RE: U.S. Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) wrote to the Polish ambassador about anti-Semitism in Poland.
Senator Voinovich,
Please stay away from any of the kinds of statement which may cause damage to your Polish American votes. Why?
I believe the American and European media owe an apology to the Polish people for printing articles in which the authors refer to them as being anti-Semitic. Such publications and articles contribute even more to the ever-present anti-Polonism in the American and European media. Did any of those so-called American historians ever investigate any attacks on the non-Jewish population?
As far as Jedwabne massacre is concerned, Poles were the victims of such cruel acts on an almost daily basis during the WWII. This fact is kept from American and European readers. Instead, the massacre in Jedwabne, which was widely known in Poland and whose files were not hidden but open for everyone to investigate, had to be "discovered" by a fame-seeking author.
The fact that Mr. Gross left Poland in 1968 tells me that a touch of revenge may be the motive for his search. In the past, Kosinski's alleged autobiographical books were eventually proven to be hoaxes.
The thorough investigation into the case will only be in Poland's favor. There are files of the documents that Mr. Gross somehow ignored in his research, rather concentrating on the testimony of one witness. To understand the base of that attack, we must know the history of Poland and, in my opinion based on the observation of an average American person, we know nothing.
It is too difficult to understand the situation without being provided with wider information and truthful publications by OTHER than American and Jewish historians. Unfortunately, when a country is attacked - as in Poland's case - by two great powers, chaos occurs.
The double standards are evident by calling an event, such as the one in Jedwabne, an act of anti-Semitism, while in the United States, burning a synagogue in Worcester, Mass was called "an act of vandalism", a shooting in the Jewish Children Center in California -"an act of a mad man". If such acts took place in Poland, they would have been called anti-Semitic. American patriotism applied to Poles transfers into nationalism.
For 1000 years, Poland was the spiritual and religious center of Jewish Diaspora and produced one of the greatest world centers of Talmudic studies. 300 papers in Hebrew were published in Warsaw alone. Jews, unlike Blacks in America, were not forced to settle in Poland; they came here on their own will, prospered, attended colleges and universities, owned factories, etc.
As early as in 1264, King Boleslav of Poland granted a charter inviting the Jews there. The charter was an amazing document, granting Jews unprecedented rights and privileges. For example, it stated that:
"The testimony of the Christian alone may not be admitted in a matter which concerns the money or property of a Jew. In every such incidence there must be the testimony of both a Christian and a Jew. If a Christian injures a Jew in any which way, the accused shall pay a fine to the royal treasury."
"If a Christian desecrates or defiles a Jewish cemetery in any which way, it is our wish that he be punished severely as demanded by law."
"If a Christian should attack a Jew, the Christian shall be punished as required by the laws of this land. We absolutely forbid anyone to accuse the Jews in our domain of using the blood of human beings."
"We affirm that if any Jew cry out in the night as a result of violence done to him, and if his Christian neighbors fail to respond to his cries and do not bring the necessary help, they shall be fined."
"We also affirm that Jews are free to buy and sell all manner of things just as Christians, and if anyone hampers them, he shall pay a fine."
Polish King Kazimierz was favorably disposed towards Jews. On October 9, 1334, he confirmed the privileges granted to Jewish Poles in 1264 by Boleslaus V. Under penalty of death, he prohibited the kidnapping of Jewish children for the purpose of enforced Christian baptism. He inflicted heavy punishment for the desecration of Jewish cemeteries. Although Jews had lived in Poland since before the reign of King Kazimierz, he allowed them to settle in Poland in great numbers and protected them as people of the king.
Another Polish king, Sigismund II Augustus, issued another invitation. Here is an excerpt from his edict, granting the Jews permission to open a yeshiva at Lublin, dated August 23, 1567:
"As a result of the efforts of our advisors and in keeping with the request of the Jews of Lublin we do hereby grant permission to erect a yeshiva and to outfit said yeshiva with all that is required to advance learning. All the learned men and rabbis of Lublin shall come together for among their number they shall choose one to serve as the head of the yeshiva. Let their choice be a man who will magnify Torah and bring it glory."
In Poland, the Jews were allowed to have their own governing body called the Va'ad Arba Artzot, which was composed of various rabbis who oversaw the affairs of the Jews in eastern Europe. The Poles did not interfere with Jewish life and scholarship flourished.
Some important personalities of this period, which a student of Jewish history should remember, were:
Rabbi Moshe Isserles (1525-1572), from Krakow, also known as the Rema. After the Sephardi rabbi Joseph Karo wrote the Shulchan Aruch, the code of Jewish Law, Rabbi Isserles annotated it to fill in the rabbinic decisions from Eastern Europe. His commentary was, and continues to be, critically important in daily Jewish life.
Rabbi Ya'akov Pollack (1455-1530), from Krakow. He opened the first yeshivah in Poland and was later named the chief rabbi of Poland. He developed a method of learning Talmud called pilpul, meaning "fine distinctions." This was a type of dialectical reasoning that became very popular, whereby contradictory facts or ideas were systematically weighed with a view to the resolution of their real or apparent contradictions.
Rabbi Yehudah Loewe, (1526-1609), not from Poland but important to Eastern European Jewry. He was known as the Maharal of Prague and was one of the great mystical scholars of his time. He has been credited with having created the golem, a Frankenstein figure, a living being without soul.
Along with the growth in Torah scholarship came population growth. In 1500 there were about 50,000 Jews living in Poland. By 1650 there were 500,000 Jews. This means that by the mid 17th century about majority of the Jewish population of the world was living in Poland!
Where did these Jews settle within Poland?
Jews were generally urban people as they were historically not allowed to own land in most of the places they lived. However, they also created their own farm communities called shtetls. Although we tend to think of the shtetl today as a poor farming village (like in Fiddler on the Roof), during the Golden Age of Polish Jewry, many of these communities were actually quite prosperous. And there were thousands of them.
The Jews in these independent communities spoke their own language called Yiddish. Original Yiddish was written in Hebrew letters and was a mixture of Hebrew, Slavic, and German. (Note that Yiddish underwent constant development and "modern" Yiddish is not like the "old" Yiddish which first appeared in the 13th century, nor "middle" Yiddish of this period of time.) All in all, the Jews did well, but working alongside Polish and Ukrainian Christians.
How many African Americans till the 20th century were able to do so?
Jews came to Poland on their own will, to the country of great opportunity, found shelter from the hostilities of Western Europe, stayed and prospered, had representatives in the Polish parliament, and had the freedom of expressing their religion and customs. In some towns of Eastern Poland, Jews accounted for more than 50% of the occupants. They were respected citizens, how could this be possible if the country was, as it is widely presented on the Jan Tomasz Gross book as anti-Semitic?
Polish Jews enjoyed equal rights and full protection of the law under the Polish government. The laws changed under the rule of Prussia, Russia, and Austria.
Keep in mind that it also affected Poles as well. Their situation improved after WWI when the Polish government was reestablished.
Why, between wars, was the Jewish population growing 6 times faster than Christian population, if the alleged anti-Semitism took place?
The only prejudice that you can accuse Polish people of is to be anti-Communist.
Marek Edelman, the last leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, who still lives in Poland, said: "It is not a Jew who is the enemy, it is an enemy who is Jewish." I'm sorry to destroy the beautiful image of the peaceful and innocent Jewish people but at the time of the massacre it was well known that there were "informers," "observers," "advisors," or in plain English "Soviet collaborators" among Jews then and through the war and post.
Those did not see the wrong they were doing, the comfort came from accepting a different way of thinking. They considered themselves Poles or Polish Jews before the war, now comfortably became only Jews, so there were no ties of loyalty to Poland or to the Polish people. Collaborators gave out Poles and Jews as well (Jakub Berman as an example).
But this would be too difficult to understand for us who for decades were fed on anti-Polish propaganda. The same propaganda that Nazis used and later Soviets and now is being repeated with a nauseating consistency by the American press.
The public does not know that Poland and Israel have a very good relationship.
It is the backwardness of American Jews to prefer the stereotype. I was hoping that with the raising of the Iron Curtain, the flow of information about Poland would be available to the average American reader and TV viewer.
That did not happen, rather we prefer to publish such articles. Also by hiding from public Polish accomplishments, only adds to the image of the Poles as some primitive tribe.
The fact that Poland's economy is the one of fastest growing in Europe is a thorn in the eye for some. The anti-Polish sentiment spreads to minimize their success. We already forgot who first faced the Soviet power and fought Communism.
The difference between Holocaust victims in the USA and Poland is that in Poland Jews and Christians believe that there is no price on human despair; I guess American Jews found the price tag and the Holocaust became a good business. Some are even lining up to collect money. Poles never asked to be recompensated for their losses and they did not receive any help from the Marshall Plan either.
Besides, we must not forget that Poland was not only a victim during WWII but only recently freed herself from under Soviet occupation. We should remember that Communism in Poland was FORCED upon its people, that Soviets placed Jews on high positions, which triggered atrocities. There is no perfect nation, there are honorable citizens and there is scum in all of them. But it seems that we only find the bad in Poles and all the good in Jews. For a well-balanced story, the authors should mention what Soviet Jews did to Poles (Koniuchy massacre) and the fact that, from 34 countries, the Poles are those who have the biggest number of trees at Yad Vashem.
In WWII, Poland lost almost 20% of its population; 6 million Poles were killed. It was the only country in all of Nazi-occupied Europe with the death penalty for sheltering Jews. Germans knew how sympathetic Poles were to Polish Jews and that way, they could get rid of them both. Entire families, sometimes whole towns were murdered for sheltering Jews. 75% spoke only Yiddish, which later became a problem for those who wanted to be saved and pass as Poles. I guess American Jews don't rush to reveal some other information to the American public like: what were the Judenrat and the Jewish Police doing in the ghettos? Who took over the houses of Polish officers and their families when they were taken to Siberia?
In the American consciousness the Holocaust has become synonymous with Jewish history. Historical literature of the Holocaust has focused on the six million Jewish victims with the exclusion of the sixteen to twenty million Gentile victims.
Do we inform that Poland's government was the only one in Nazi-occupied Europe to sponsor the organization to help Jews escaping the ghettos?
What did American Jews do to help their dying brothers?
We allow speculation on almost every aspect of Polish-Jewish relationship never asking: "Why don't we speculate how many Jews would save Poles if the roles were reversed?"
For me to have a different opinion is to risk being called an anti-Semite. An intelligent but objective Jewish person is called a "self-hating Jew". A "bystander" is someone who chose not to give his and his family's life for a strange, Jewish person.
Good things are happening in Poland .But noone rushes to tell the Americans about the annual Jewish Festival in Krakow or about the opening of yet another Jewish school in Warsaw. Or even about the commemorating of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We don't rush to tell about the "Fiddler on the Roof" in Yiddish at the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw. Instead we publish misleading stories about a music concert in Auschwitz (!?) and killings in Jedwabne. Why is that? American historians should stop wasting their ink only writing about alleged Polish anti-Semitism. Any atrocities toward Jews either occurred during Nazi or Soviet occupation or were triggered by revenge and greed not to be mistaken with anti-Semitism. Also to suggest that all Polish Jews are long gone is wrong; many survived and became famous: actors (Holoubek, Zapasiewicz, Himilsbach, Rudzki), movie critics (Waldorf), writers (Tuwim), philosophers and editors (Michnik), politicians (Mazowiecki, Suchocka), musicians (Szpilman, Zimmerman), heart surgeons (Marek Edelman), athletes (Kirszenstein a.k.a. Szewinska), singers (Szmeterling a.k.a. Jantar). Some Polish Jews just recently became interested in their religion; Jewish schools are reopening, while the synagogues, museums, and Jewish cultural institutes were always present in Poland's cultural life. Positive Jewish characters are in every Polish classic, there are streets named after Jewish heroes; monuments accommodate their heroism and their tragedy. All this does not seem like an anti-Semitic country, does it? But it will stay so in the American media, as long as we allow it to.
Pulaski Father of the American Cavalry
General Pulaski Memorial Day Proclamation
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
I came here, where freedom is being defended,
to serve it, and to live and die for it.
General Casimir Pulaski in a letter
to General George Washington
Every year, on October 11, we honor the memory of Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, a courageous soldier of liberty who bravely gave his life 222 years ago fighting for America's independence. The stories of General Pulaski's heroism during the Revolutionary War have been a source of inspiration for many generations of Americans, and his gallant sacrifice serves as a poignant reminder of the price patriots paid to obtain our liberty.
Pulaski, who was born in Poland in 1745, joined his first fight against tyranny and oppression at age 21, defending his beloved Poland against Prussian and Imperial Russian invaders. In numerous battles, Pulaski achieved fame as a calvary officer, earning promotion to commander of an army of Polish freedom fighters. But the aggressors ultimately overcame the Poles, and Pulaski was forced into exile. In 1777, Pulaski offered his services to America's fight for freedom and set sail from France to join the war for independence.
Far from his native land, Pulaski showed the same courageous combativeness on American soil that had gained him fame at home. Distinguishing himself in battle after battle, Pulaski earned a commission from the Continental Congress as a Brigadier General, and he was assigned by General Washington to command the Continental Army's calvary. In 1779, during the siege of Savannah, General Pulaski made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life in battle so that our Nation might win its freedom. General Pulaski's valiant leadership earned him recognition as the "Father of the American cavalry".
Ever since his heroic death, America has honored General Pulaski's memory in many ways, including the naming of counties, towns, and streets after him. Since 1910, a statue of General Pulaski has stood in Washington, D.C., permanently memorializing his patriotic contributions and noble sacrifice. Today, as we respond to the atrocities committed against the United States on September 11, we have been deeply moved by the tremendous outpouring of sympathy, support, and solidarity from our Polish friends, from the highest levels of the government to the thousands of Poles who placed flowers and candles at our Embassy gate. Our two nations, united by the virtues and ideals that General Pulaski embodied, will always remain friends and allies.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Thursday, October 11, 2001, as General Pulaski Memorial Day. I encourage all Americans to commemorate this occasion with appropriate programs and activities paying tribute to Casimir Pulaski and honoring all those who defend the freedom of our great Nation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-sixth.
Group blames Congressman King for blocking citizenship for Polish General
Sunday, September 30, 2007, 10:13 AM
By O.Kay Henderson
A group pushing for special recognition of the man who's considered the father of the American cavalry says there's one "obstacle" to their goal: Iowa Congressman Steve King. The Polish Legion of American Veterans has gotten the U.S. Senate to pass a resolution that would grant honorary U.S. citizenship to a Polish man who came to this continent in 1777 to help fight the Revolutionary War.
Casimir Pulaski was named a general by George Washington. He died of wounds suffered in a Revolutionary War battle in Georgia. The bid by the Polish veterans group to get Pulaski declared an American citizen has stalled in the U.S. House, though.
The group blames Congressman King for blocking a vote on the measure in the House Judiciary Committee. The Polish veterans group calls King's action "puzzling" and "political." King's spokesman says King doesn't have the power to block a vote and the resolution would pass if a majority of members on the committee wanted to vote for it.
Congress has bestowed honorary U.S. citizenship on six people. In 1963, Winston Churchill was named an honorary American citizen. In 1981, a Swedish diplomat who rescued Jews in the Holocaust earned the designation. Three years later, William Penn and his wife were similarly honored. Penn, as you may know, was the governor of the American colony of Pennsylvania.
In 1996, congress gave honorary American citizenship to Mother Teresa and then in 2002 bestowed it upon a Frenchman who served as another one of George Washington's generals in the American Revolution.
Gen. Pułaski honorowym obywatelem USA
Fot. Archiwum
Jestem pewien, że polski generał, który przyczynił się do uratowania życia George Washingtona w pełni zasługuje na przyznanie mu honorowego obywatelstwa naszego kraju, powiedział na spotkaniu z chicagowską Polonią oraz przedstawicielami lokalnych mediów senator z Illinois Dick Durbin. Gdyby Senat przychylił się do wniosku Durbina, Pułaski byłby siódmą osobą, która w historii Stanów Zjednoczonych otrzymała honorowe obywatelstwo tego kraju.
Jednocześnie wywodzący się w Partii Demokratycznej polityk zapewnił, iż już w najbliższym czasie złoży do Izby Wyższej odpowiedni wniosek o pośmiertne przyznanie Kazimierzowi Pułaskiemu honorowego obywatelstwa USA.
Durbin przypomniał, że każdego roku w pierwszy poniedziałek marca z chęcią i radością przyjeżdża do Muzeum Polskiego w Chicago, gdzie mają miejsce oficjalne obchody Dnia Pułaskiego. – Rezolucja, która trafi do Senatu, przyznająca Pułaskiemu pośmiertne honorowe obywatelstwo uhonorowałaby człowieka, który zapłacił był najwyższą cenę za wolność Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej – uzasadniał Durbin. – Postawa Pułaskiego jest wciąż doskonałym przykładem dla innych, również obywateli innych krajów, którzy na przestrzeni wieków walczyli i walczą do dziś w szeregach armii amerykańskiej o demokracje i prawa obywatelskie.
Pod odpowiednim wnioskiem podpisało się także 22 innych polityków i liderów lokalnych społeczności. Wśród nich Dan Lipiński, Rahm Emmanuel i Luis Gutierrez.
Pamięć po bohaterskich czynach gen Pułaskiego jest wciąż bardzo żywa w USA. We wrześniu 1929 roku kongres Stanów Zjednoczonych przyjął proklamację prezydencką ustanawiając 11 października Dniem Pułaskiego. Prawie 50 lat później – w 1973 roku władze stanu Illinois, chcąc zaznaczyć, jak wielkie znaczenie mają dla lokalnych samorządów mieszkający tu Polacy, ustanowiły pierwszy poniedziałek marca dniem pamięci Pułaskiego. Od 1986 roku Dzień Pułaskiego jest oficjalnym świętem stanowym.
Przypomnijmy, że do dziś honorowe obywatelstwo USA otrzymali: Winston Churchill - 1936 r.; Markiz de la Fayette – 2002 r. (Francuz walczący w czasach rewolucji amerykańskiej; Raoul Wallenberg – 1981 (szwedzki dyplomata i bohater holocaustu); William Callowhill Penn – 1984 r. (gubernator Pensylwanii oraz jego żona i ówczesna administratorka stanu Hannah oraz Agnes Gonxa Bojaxhiu - Matka Teresa – 1996 r.
"Rycerz Wolności - Generał Kazimierz Pułaski"
Rokrocznie dzień 11 października obchodzony jest w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych jako pamiątkowy Dzień Generała Kazimierza Pułaskiego (Pulaski Day), jednym z akcentów tego święta jest uroczysty korowód, festyny i wiele imprez kulturalno oświatowych i estradowych organizowanych przez Polonię i nie tylko. Oddanie w ten sposób czci polskiemu bohaterowi z Amerykańskiej Rewolucji jest ukoronowaniem wysiłków, przeprowadzonych w Kongresie, a w których szło o danie odpowiedniego uznania organizatorowi Legionu Pułaskiego, który oddał życie za wolność Stanów Zjednoczonych podczas oblężenia pod Savannach, Georgia.
Kazimierz Pułaski, najstarszy syn hrabiego Józefa Pułaskiego, urodził się na Podolu, w marcu 1748r. Polska wówczas była arystokratyczną republiką z królem na czele, wybieranym przez szlachtę. Rosja i Prusy wtrącały się do wewnętrznych spraw państwa polskiego, wpływając na wybór królów. Przeciwko temu protestowali zwolennicy niezależnych rządów parlamentarnych. W roku 1763 caryca rosyjska, Katarzyna Wielka, przeprowadziła wybór Stanisława Poniatowskiego, jako króla polskiego. Niedługo potem wybuchło powstanie i hrabia Józef Pułaski był jednym z jego organizatorów. Kazimierz Pułaski będąc wówczas młodym oficerem, walczył przy boku swego ojca. Powstańcy odnosili zwycięstwa początkowo, ale po paru latach siły i ich zasoby wyczerpały się na skutek czego zostali pobici i rozproszeni. Nastąpił pierwszy rozbiór Polski w roku 1772 i następnie Polska utraciła zupełnie swą niepodległość i została skazana przez zaborców na blisko półtorawiekową niewolę polityczną.
Po powstaniu, które zakończyło się klęską, młody Pułaski zmuszony był wyjechać za granicę, a majątek jego został skonfiskowany. Uciekł do Turcji, gdzie starał się bezskutecznie zainteresować rząd turecki losami Polski i nakłonić go do nowej wojny z zaborczą Rosją, która na skutek rozbiorów otrzymała ogromną część Polski.
W roku 1775 Pułaski przybył do Paryża. Dowiedział się, że amerykańscy koloniści powstali przeciwko Anglii i że rewolucjoniści z wielu krajów zaciągają się jako ochotnicy w ich szeregi i walczą razem z nimi. Niedługo potem porozumiał się z Benjaminem Franklinem, który wówczas reprezentował Amerykę na francuskim dworze królewskim. W maju 1777 roku Franklin napisał list polecający do Jerzego Washingtona, opisując Pułaskiego, jako "oficera sławnego w całej Europie ze swej odwagi i działalności jaką wykazał w obronie wolności swego kraju w walce przeciwko trzem zaborczym potęgom Rosji, Austrii i Prus". Pułaski, naznaczony losem uciskanej Polski, był uczulony na wolność narodową, sprawiedliwość, suwerenność, demokrację, był orędownikiem tych spraw. Do Bostonu przybył w lipcu 1777 roku i spotkał się z Washingtonem następnego miesiąca. Washington w liście do John Hancock'a podał sugestię, by Pułaskiemu oddać dowództwo nad całą kawalerią. Do tego jednak nie doszło i Pułaski przyłączył się jako ochotnik do armii Washingtona. Brał udział i odznaczył się w bitwie pod Brandywine i walczył także w kilku innych bitwach jako dowódca kawalerii. W dniach krytycznych, gdy armia Washingtona wycieńczona z głodu obozowała w zimie pod Valley Forge, Pułaski objeżdżał okolice w poszukiwaniu zapasów. W kilku listach do Kontynentalnego Kongresu Pułaski skarżył się na brak sprawności i na objawy zazdrości wśród niższych oficerów, co często trzymało go w bezczynności, zapewniając mu "tylko walkę z niedźwiedziami". W końcu pozwolono polskiemu rewolucjoniście zorganizować niezależny oddział kawalerii. Oddział ten miał się składać "z 68 jeźdźców i 200 piechurów. Kawalerzyści byli uzbrojeni w lance na sposób lekkiej piechoty". W niezwykle krótkim czasie Pułaski potrafił wysłać swój oddział na pole walki. Wybrał pewną liczbę Polaków i Francuzów na kierownicze stanowiska, większość jednak zwykłych kawalerzystów i szeregowców składała się z rodowitych Amerykanów. Michał de Kowatz (Kowatsch), który miał być węgierskiego pochodzenia, miał najwyższą komendę po Pułaskim, piastującym rangę generała brygadiera. Hrabia Julius de Mountfort służył w randze majora, a John de Zielinsky (Jan Zieliński), który uciekł ze Syberii, dokąd był skazany na wygnanie, był kapitanem ułanów. John Seydelin, Maurycy Bieniowski, Adam Melchair, hrabia Kolkowski, Nicholas Ryland, Joseph Baldesque, Chares Paron de Bose, Mateusz Rogowski, Charles Litomski, Paul Bentalon i Gerard de St. Elme należeli do Europejczyków, którzy zaciągnęli się na listę Legionu Pułaskiego. W jesieni 1779 roku Pułaski połączył się z generałem Lincolnem, który wspomagany przez francuską flotę przygotował atak na Savannah. Dnia 9 października Pułaski zaatakował brytyjski front, jadąc na czele swej konnicy. W boju padł raniony postrzałem. Przeniesiono go rannego na okręt wojenny "Wasp", gdzie lekarze nadaremnie starali się wyjąć kulę i uratować jego życie. Zmarł na pokładzie okrętu. Nie sprawdzono jeszcze, czy pochowany był na morzu, czy pod dębami na wyspie Św. Heleny, czy też w Greenwich, w stanie Georgia. Był najznamienitszym dowódcą, strategiem, człowiekiem miłującym wolność i demokrację, był wielkim Polakiem!, bohaterem Polski i Stanów Zjednoczonych. Poeta Longfellow w poetycznej dedykacji otoczył nimbem romantyzmu i piękna sztandar, pod którym walczył Legion Pułaskiego. Według tradycji sztandar uszyły Morawskie siostry w Bethlehem, Pa., Sztandar ten jest obecnie drogocenną pamiątką w posiadaniu Historycznego Towarzystwa Maryland. Razem z Tadeuszem Kościuszko, Marquis de Lafayette, Baronem von Steuben i z wielu innymi europejskimi ochotnikami, którzy przekroczyli ocean, aby pomóc kolonistom w ich walce o wolność i niepodległość oraz demokrację tego kraju. Pułaski czczony jest w Stanach Zjednoczonych jako prawdziwy rycerz wolności. Jego imieniem nazwane są liczne instytucje, fundacje, place, ma wiele pomników, tablic i swoje piękne miejsce w amerykańskiej historii po wieczne czasy.
Edward Poskier
P.S. Mam żal, że polskie media i polscy nauczyciele historii tak mało miejsca w swoich programach poświęcają Kazimierzowi Pułaskiemu. Czyżby miał się stać bohaterem wyłącznie Stanów Zjednoczonych?. Zapytałem ostatnio kilku młodych ludzi z czym im się kojarzy postać Kazimierza Pułaskiego - kilku odpowiedziało... z piwem browaru Warka !, (przyp. red. - browar ten ma w logo podobiznę Kazimierza Pułaskiego)
Casimir Pulaski belongs to that select group of heroes, including the Marquis de Lafayefte, Thomas Paine, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Pulaski's fellow countryman, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, who opposed tyranny not only in their homelands, but wherever they found it. We especially honor Pulaski because he paid the ultimate price, having sustained a mortal wound while fighting for American independence at the battle of Savannah in 1779. Today he remains a symbol of the ideal of valiant resistance to oppression everywhere in the world.
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Pulaski was born on March 4,1747, in Winiary, some 40 miles outside of Warsaw. His family belonged to the minor Polish nobility, and his ancestors fought with King Jan Sobieski against the Turks at the siege of Vienna in 1683. His father Jozef successfully built up the family fortune and deeply involved himself in politics. But the vast Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had fallen on hard times. No longer the military power of Sobieski's day, it came increasingly under the domination of its aggressive neighbors, particularly Tsarist Russia. Russia demonstrated its influence over the Commonwealth's affairs when in 1764 Empress Catherine the Great imposed her candidate Stanislaus Poniatowski, as the Commonwealth's next elected monarch. Poniatowski sought to carry out much needed reforms, but aroused the suspicion of the nobility who feared the establishment of a royal despotism. Moreover, the Russian ambassador regularly interfered in the Cornmonwealth's domestic affairs, in 1767, even using Russian troops to coerce its parliament into passing legislation that ended the privileged position of the Catholic Church. In these circumstances, in 1768, Jozef Pulaski joined with others in initiating an insurrection known as the Confederation of Bar, a town in the Ukraine, where it was formed. Under the motto, "For Faith and Freedom," the elder Pulaski assumed the military leadership of the confederation, and Casimir on his 21st birthday took command of a detachment of partisans. For the next 3 1/2 years, in military campaigns against Russian forces that sought to put down the rebellion, the young commander proved his valor and genuine military talent in more than a dozen major action and numerous skirmishes.
In October 1771, Pulaski undertook one last major expedition as part of a plot to abduct the king. The plot misfired, but it led to the young Casimir being unjustly accused of attempted regicide and later, after he left the country, to a death sentence. When in 1772, Russia, Prussia, and Austria began negotiations to partition the Commonwealth, he and the other confederates saw the futility of continuing the struggle. In the face of the charges against him, he was forced to flee his homeland, never to see it again. Within months of his departure, the Commonwealth's aggressive neighbors agreed to divide over a quarter of its territory among themselves. The effort to defend the Commonwealth had failed, but the heroism of Pulaski and other confederates would inspire future generations of their countrymen. Meanwhile, Pulaski faced a difficult exile. After two years in western Europe, he again joined battle against Russia, this time, on the side of the Turks. Their defeat forced him to return to France where, in the summer of 1776, he learned of America's war for independence and sought permission from the Americans to join their forces. Most American colonists were not yet enthusiastic in the support of the war, and George Washington, a commander-in-chief, needed battle-tested officers like Pulaski. Finally, in May 1777, Pulaski received a letter of recommendation from Benjamin Franklin, the American commissioner in Paris, and left for America, landing near Boston in July. In August, he reported to Washington's headquarters near Philadelphia.
The American Revolutionary War
On Washington's recommendation, the Continental Congress appointed Pulaski general of the cavalry on September 15, 1777. But even before his formal appointment, he demonstrated his value. At the battle of Brandywine Creek, where Washington's forces suffered a defeat, Pulaski led a counterattack that covered the retreat of the Americans and helped prevent a military disaster. Pulaski spent the winter of 1777 training his soldiers at Trenton, not far from Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge. He introduced new battle drills in an effort to transform them into a highly mobile force. But, realizing that the Americans did not share his conception of the cavalry as a separate combat force, Pulaski asked to be relieved of his position and allowed to form a special infantry and cavalry unit capable of more independent action. With Washington's support, Pulaski gained the consent of Congress on March 28, 1778. It took Pulaski, regarded as "the father of the American cavalry," another five months to form his legion at his headquarters in Baltimore, where he recruited Americans, Frenchmen, Poles, Irishmen, and especially Germans; mainly deserters from the Hessian mercenaries employed by the British. But for some time the American command could not find a suitable role for Pulaski's legion, leading him again to request reassignment. Finally, on February 2,1779, he received orders to proceed to South Carolina to reinforce the southern American forces under British attack. Now Pulaski began his most active period of service in the war with the front line combat he sought. At the head of a troop of some 600, Pulaski arrived in Charleston in May 1779, just in time to contribute to its successful defense against a much larger British force, which after occupying Georgia was steadily advancing northward. This victory proved pivotal in the war in the South as it broke the British momentum and boosted American morale. What remained was to win back the territory that the British had occupied. Savannah became the fateful goal. Newly arrived French forces under Admiral Charles Henri d'Estaing together with the Americans planned a risky all out assault on the heavily fortified town. The siege began on October 9. The mission of the Pulaski Legion was to follow in behind the French infantry and break down the enemy's line of defense. But the French got caught in a cross fire, and d'Estaing himself was wounded. Awaiting the proper moment for his cavalry to enter the battle, Pulaski could see the infantry breaking ranks under heavy fire. To try to save the situation, he charged forward into the battle only to be grievously wounded himself. Carried from the battlefield, he was put on a ship to be taken back to Charleston, but never regained consciousness. On October 11, 1779, the 32 year old Polish commander died at sea, where he was buried.
In Honor of Pulaski
Americans have always recognized Pulaski's heroism and the price he paid for their freedom. Shortly after his death a solemn memorial service was held in Charleston, and, before the end of 1779, the Continental Congress resolved that a monument should be erected in his honor, though a statue was not put into place in Washington, D.C., until 1910. Over the years Americans have kept alive his memory naming many countries, towns, streets, parks, and squares after him. Among those of Polish descent, his fame rivals that of Kosciuszko, who, after his service in the American Revolutionary War, returned to his homeland, where, in 1794, he led an insurrection against the same Russian domination that Pulaski had fought before coming to America. In his first letter to Washington, after arriving in America, Pulaski wrote, "I came here, where freedom is being defended, to serve it, and to live or die for it." He proved true to his word. For this, we honor him as a soldier of Liberty for all.
Source: Casimir Pulaski 1747-1779: A Short Biography
Written by and reprinted with permission of: John J. Kulczycki, Professor of History, University of Illinois at Chicago; Published by the Polish Museum of America, 984 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60622;
Sunday, October 7, 2007
WALLINGTON -- Local officials, members of the clergy and other supporters converged at a statue of Gen. Casimir Pulaski for a ceremony honoring his achievements during the Revolutionary War.
About 50 people gathered at Main Avenue near the Eighth Street Bridge Saturday afternoon to commemorate the Pole known as the "Father of the American Cavalry."
"He came from Poland to fight for freedom," said Mark Zawisny, grand marshal of today's Pulaski parade in New York City. "To me, he's like my parents when they left communist Poland for a better life. He died for our country."
Pulaski -- whose name is immortalized in the Pulaski Skyway that runs from Newark to Jersey City -- is considered a hero in the Polish-American community for his bravery and sacrifice, said Dariusz Pawluczuk, president of the Wallington Pulaski Memorial Association. Wallington -- where more than half of its residents claim Polish ancestry, according to the 2000 Census -- is home to one of two known statues of Pulaski in the country.
"He is a very important person to our history," Pawluczuk said. "It's the same as Columbus Day for Italians."
Saturday's ceremony began with the laying of a wreath of flowers at the statue's base, and was marked by songs, prayers and appearances by Miss Polonia 2007, Sylwia Solpys, and Wallington's Pulaski parade marshal, Theresa Wygonik.
The ceremony is a prelude to today's 70th Annual Pulaski Day Parade, which marches along Fifth Avenue between 29th Street and 53rd Street in Manhattan.
Casamir Pulaski was born into the Polish nobility in 1747. A military man before coming to the United States, Pulaski led Polish troops to battle the Russians, who occupied Poland during the 1700s.
However, he was forced to flee the country after being falsely accused of plotting to assassinate the king. In Paris, Benjamin Franklin recruited him to fight for the United States' independence, and he arrived in Boston in summer 1777.
In a letter to Washington, Franklin wrote of Pulaski as "an officer famous throughout Europe for his bravery and conduct in defense of the liberties of his country against ... great invading powers," according to the Polish American Cultural Center in Philadelphia.
He became a brigadier general and raised his own cavalry of 600 men, which fought in several battles in New York and New Jersey. But Pulaski is also known for protecting Charleston, S.C., from advancing British forces. He was fatally wounded while trying to reclaim Savannah, Ga., from British troops in 1779.
Pawluczuk said he hadn't heard of Pulaski until he arrived in the U.S. from Poland in 1981. At the time, Poland's communist government suppressed Pulaski's accomplishments, he said.
"My grandmother and my mother told me about him," he said. "When I came to the U.S., for the first time in my life I saw the Pulaski Parade (in New York City.) I was like, 'Oh, my god!' It's not something you'd see in Poland."
Two years ago, President Bush proclaimed Oct. 11 as Gen. Pulaski Memorial Day, and said Pulaski exemplified "the spirit and determination of Polish immigrants to America," and "embodied our nation's highest ideals."
Reach Jennifer H. Cunningham at 973-569-7162 or
A Chronology of Casimir Pulaski's Life 1745-1779
6 March Kazimierz is born in Warsaw at the Pulaski residence on the corner of Nowy Swiat and Warecka Streets. He is the second son (of three) born to the starosta of Warka, Józef Pulaski and Marianna Zielinska his wife . A priest, Father Krzysztof Faltz was called to the house to administer baptism because of the child's debility.
14 March a grand completion of the baptismal ceremonies at the Holy Cross Church in Warsaw
1762 leaves the Theatine School in Warsaw which he had attended (most likely after getting an elementary education at the parish school in Warka) and becomes a page at the courts of Prince Charles of Courland [Kurlandia]; and Semigallia, son of King Augustus III.
1763 gains his first military experience during a six month long stay at Prince Charles' military camp, where he lived through the siege by the Russian army of the capital of the Kingdom of Courland - Mitava (now Jelgava in the Latvian Republic).
September Józef Pulaski and his three sons take part in the election of Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski as King of Poland in Warsaw
December Józef Pulaski and his three sons leave Warsaw for Winiary, and start organizing an armed uprising in south-eastern Poland
1768 the eldest sons of Józef Pulaski, Franciszek and Casimir, travel along the Dniestr River recruiting for the confederation whose political side was being prepared at that time in Lvov by Józef Pulaski
29 February the establishment of the Bar Confederation in Podole with the Chamberlain from Rozan, Michal Krasinski, at its head
4 March the establishment of the military arm of the confederation with Józef Pulaski at its head with the title of Marshal of the Union; among the commanders of the regiments were his three sons, Franciszek, starosta of Augustów; Casimir, starosta of Zezuliniec; and Antoni, starosta of Czeresz
around 20 April Casimir Pulaski leads his first skirmish with the vanguard of the Russian troops which had been sent to Podole to put down the uprising
23 April defends Starokonstantynów
May fights defensive actions near Chmielnik and Winnica and then fortifies Berdyczów
13 June after a two week long siege he capitulates along with his troops and is taken prisoner by the Russians
20 June the Russian army takes the town of Bar, the second important insurgent stronghold; Józef Pulaski crosses the Dniestr River with the rest of his troops and takes refuge on Turkish soil
17 July Casimir Pulaski is freed by the Russians and goes to the Bar Confederation camp at Chocim
September - October he and his brothers carry out raids along the northern bank of the Dniestr River
December Józef Pulaski is arrested by the Turks as a result of intrigues in the confederate camp
Winter the Pulaski brothers at the head of their troops occupy and fortify Zwaniec and the Holy Trinity Trenches on the Dniestr River
February Casimir Pulaski carries out a reconnaissance raid toward Zaleszczyki and fights a skirmish near Tluste; at the same time receives a declaration from the confederates of western Little Poland (Malopolska) to join them
early March the youngest of the sons, Antoni, falls into Russian captivity
8 March the Russian army takes Zwaniec and the Holy Trinity Trenches; Franciszek and Casimir take refuge along with the survivors on the southern shore of the Dniestr River, on Turkish soil
end of March Casimir Pulaski crosses the frontier in Kuty and marches through Czarnohora and Gorgany towards the Kraków region
3 April in a letter written from Radoszyce (near the Lupków Mountain Pass) he reports to Prince Marcin Lubomirski, a leader of the confederates in Little Poland
mid April the main organizer of the Bar rising, Józef Pulaski, dies in a Turkish prison as a result of a raging epidemic
late April Franciszek Pulaski returns with his units to Poland and appears in eastern Little Poland
around 13 May the Pulaski brothers meet in Sambor and decide to operate in unison
22 May Franciszek Pulaski is named marshal of the confederated Przemysl region
end of May the Pulaski brothers take part in an unsuccessful attempt to occupy Lvov
late June arriving in the Lublin area and reaching Polesie, the brothers organize a rising in Lithuania;
6 July Casimir Pulaski commands in victorious battle at Kukielki
12 July he commands in victorious battle at Slonim
3 August Casimir Pulaski is named marshal of the confederation forces in the Lomza region
13 September the detachments led by the Pulaski brothers are defeated at Orzechów and Franciszek is killed in battle
in September Casimir Pulaski takes part in the war council at Zborov in Slovakia which precedes the establishment of the General High Board of the Confederation called the Generality which becomes the chief insurgent authority
October-December he stays with his troops in the Dukla region near Grab at the source of the Wisloka River.
13 January his hand is wounded during a skirmish near Grab
February - March is stationed in the Nowy Targ region
in April is stationed in the Nowy Sacz district
15 May loses a battle near Pilzno during a raid in the direction of Kraków
mid June while at Presov in Slovakia where the Austrian authorities had granted asylum to the Generality, Pulaski met with the Austrian Emperor Joseph II who visited the confederates
3 August he loses a battle at Wysowa with Drewitz's army, and later takes shelter on Austrian soil
7 August meets in Zborov with Charles Dumouriez, the new French government emissary and military adviser to the Generality
25 August is in Nowy Targ with his army
1 September organizes a night raid on Kraków after which he retreats toward Czestochowa
9 September he occupies the monastery at Jasna Góra (Czestochowa)
29 September organizes a raid from Zarnowiec through Jedrzejów to Koniecpol
19 October organizes a raid from Czestochowa towards Poznan
in November prepares Jasna Góra for a siege; the Russian army approaches Czestochowa twice in this period
31 December the beginning of the siege of Czestochowa by the army of General Drewitz, supported by Prussian artillery
4 January Casimir Pulaski organizes a raid from the monastery and destroys an enemy battery
9 January all-out attack is repulsed
15 January Drevitz's army leaves Czestochowa
around 1 March Pulaski stages a raid from Czestochowa toward Krasnik
in April Casimir Pulaski takes part in a council in Biala concerning the attack on Little Poland (Malopolska)
21 May he starts a raid through Tymbark, Limanowa, Nowy Sacz, Debica, Zamosc (skirmishing along the way in Kolbuszowa, Debica, Mielec);
2 June Pulaski's units fight battle with a Russian army corps at Zamosc after which they retreat towards Tarnów and Lanckorona
18 June Casimir Pulaski is back at Jasna Góra which is again threatened with a siege by Drewitz and the Polish Royal Army under the command of Branicki
in September he proposes a plan to reorganize the high command (five general commanders) at a council in Presov in Slovakia, the idea is not accepted
20 October he leaves Czestochowa for a diversionary raid in the direction of Warsaw; meanwhile a group commanded by Strawinski was to make an attempt to abduct King Stanislaus August Poniatowski
31 October he loses a battle at Skaryszew near Radom; is wounded in the arm and his scattered units retreat towards Czestochowa
3 November the abduction of King Stanislaus August Poniatowski proves unsuccessful, Pulaski is implicated as an instigator of the scheme
30 November the Austrian authorities forbid Pulaski entry into Austria as one of the organizers of the attempted abduction of the king
1 December he returns to Jasna Góra.
around 20 February stages a raid from Czestochowa towards Kraków
31 May Pulaski leaves the Jasna Góra fortress and takes refuge in Prussian Silesia
end of June he arrives in Dresden
in August he visits AItwasser in Silesia under the assumed name of Rudzinski to see Franciszka Krasinska and then surreptitiously watches the maneuvers of the Prussian troops near Nysa
in September he leaves Germany and stops in Nancy, France.
in March he moves to Paris
beginning of May he goes to Dresden to be nearer Poland while the trial of the participants in the abduction attempt is being held
7 June the beginning of the trial (which lasts until 28 August) with Casimir Pulaski sentenced in absentia to beheading for attempted regicide
25 September under the assumed name of Korwin he meets with the leaders of the Generality in Strassburg and announces that he will take part in the war between Turkey and Russia, after which he travels to Paris
in March he leaves Paris and with a group of companions goes to Turkey
12 April he sails from Venice to Ragusa (Dubrovnik) in order to reach the Turkish army which is fighting the Russians at the mouth of the Danube River
around 20 June he reaches the Vizier's camp near Shumen west of Varna where he takes part in the defeat suffered by the Turkish forces
around 15 October after the unsuccessful Turkish expedition and a three month long journey (Adrianople, Constantinople, Izmir) he returns to France and stops in Marseilles
20 December this is the date of the memorial written to the French authorities by Józef Zajaczek in order to obtain financial aid for Pulaski
in Marseilles living from an allowance and loans
October spends a short time in debtors' prison
15 August he appeals to the Sejm (Polish Parliament) in Warsaw to be allowed to return to Poland but there is no reply; at this time that he makes efforts to be accepted into the American Revolutionary Army
March - April he arrives in Paris after obtaining permission to go to America
29 May he receives a letter of recommendation from Benjamin Franklin addressed to George Washington
6 June he writes a letter of farewell to his sister Anne in Warsaw and sails on the ship Massachusetts from Nantes to America
23 July he lands in America at Marblehead near Boston
in August after a short stay in Boston he reports at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army George Washington located in Moland House in Warwick Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
24 August he offers his military services to Congress
11 September he takes part in his first battle on American soil, on the Brandywine Creek between Chester and Philadelphia
15 September he is named a general of cavalry
3 October he fights at Germantown and covers Washington's retreat after the battle is lost
in the winter Pulaski patrols the area around Valley Forge where Washington's army takes up winter quarters; his own quarters are in Devault Beaver's house
8 January moves with his unit to Trenton where he organizes and trains the troops
end of February
- start of March he joins General Wayne in the fighting against the British in New Jersey; a skirmish at Haddonfield
mid March while in Valley Forge Pulaski asks Washington to release him from his post as the commander of cavalry and puts forward a plan for an independent detachment which he would command
19 March while in Yorktown he presents his plan of forming a Legion to Congress
28 March he receives Congressional permission for the scheme
late April he establishes the headquarters of the Legion in Baltimore
18 May Pulaski's Legion receives its banner; embroidered by the Moravian Order of Nuns of Bethlehem
15 September Pulaski reports to Washington that the Legion is ready for action
8 October Pulaski's Legion arrives at Egg Harbor where a week later it was surprised by a British night attack and suffered serious losses
24 October the Legion arrives at Trenton, then relocates to Sussex Court House and finally to Minisink where it is ordered to defend the colonists against the Indians
15 November Pulaski asks Washington to be released from his post and writes of his intention to return to Europe
in January while in Philadelphia he withdraws the resignation he sent to Congress
8 February Washington orders the Legion to march south from Yorktown in the direction of Savannah
8 May the Legion arrives in Charleston where it takes part in the fighting for the town
19 August Pulaski's last letter to Congress
14 September Pulaski's Legion arrives at Savannah, to take part in taking the town
9 October Pulaski is mortally wounded in the attack on Savannah
15 October he dies on board the brigantine Wasp while it is still anchored near Savannah; his body is taken to nearby Greenwich Plantation and buried there in a torchlight ceremony
21 October a symbolic funeral of the hero in Charleston
1793 through the efforts of Antoni Pulaski the Sejm (Polish Parliament) revokes the sentence from the trial held in 1773 (in absentia) which found Pulaski guilty of attempted regicide and condemned him to death
1825 A corner stone is laid for Casimir Pulaski's monument by Lafayette in Savannah's Chippewa Square.
1855 A monument to Pulaski designed by Robert Launitz is finally erected in Monterey Square in Savannah. The corner stone from Chippewa Square and Pulaski's remains from Greenwich Plantation are placed in its underground brick lined crypt.
1910 Casimir Pulaski's monument in Washington is unveiled
1929 A monument to Pulaski is unveiled in Krynica, Poland; it is the first monument to Pulaski built on Polish soil
1967 the Casimir Pulaski museum in Warka-Winiary, Poland opens
1979 the 200th anniversary of Pulaski's death, a statue by Kazimerz Danilewicz, a gift of the Polish nation to the United States, is dedicated in Buffalo, and a copy placed in the park near the Pulaski museum in Warka.
1996 the Pulaski Monument in Savannah is taken down for renovation, the underground crypt is uncovered and found to contain two cornerstones and an iron box. The box bears a plate "Brigadier General Casimer Pulaski" and contains the bones of a man matching Pulaski in stature and physical characteristics.
1997 a conference is convened on Pulaski at the Museum in Warka, Poland; among those delivering papers is Edward Pinkowski
Kazimierz (Casimir) Pulaski, military man, Confederate of Bar, hero of American Revolution
Born: March 6, 1745, Warsaw, Russian partition of Poland (presently Poland)
Died: October 15, 1779, at sea, (buried in Savannah, USA)
Early days. Father – Jozef Pulaski, mother - Marianna Zielinska. His family belonged to the minor Polish nobility, and his ancestors fought with King Jan Sobieski against the Turks at the siege of Vienna in 1683. His father Jozef successfully built up the family fortune and deeply involved himself in politics. But the vast Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had fallen on hard times. No longer the military power of Sobieski's day, it came increasingly under the domination of its aggressive neighbors, particularly Tsarist Russia. Russia demonstrated its influence over the Commonwealth's affairs when in 1764 Empress Catherine the Great imposed her candidate Stanislaus Poniatowski, as the Commonwealth's next elected monarch.
First military experience.In 1762 Kazimierz leaves the Theatine School in Warsaw which he had attended (most likely after getting an elementary education at the parish school in Warka) and becomes a page at the court of Prince Charles of Courland (Kurlandia) and Semigallia. In 1764 he gains his first military experience during a six month long stay at Prince Charles' military camp, where he lived through the siege by the Russian army of the capital of the Kingdom of Courland - Mitava (now Jelgava in the Latvian Republic). Poniatowski sought to carry out much needed reforms, but aroused the suspicion of the nobility who feared the establishment of a royal despotism. Moreover, the Russian ambassador regularly interfered in the Commonwealth's domestic affairs, in 1767, even using Russian troops to coerce its parliament into passing legislation that ended the privileged position of the Catholic Church.
Joining the Confederation of Bar. In these circumstances, in 1768, Jozef Pulaski joined with others in initiating an insurrection known as the Confederation of Bar, a town in the Ukraine, where it was formed. Under the motto, "For Faith and Freedom," the elder Pulaski assumed the military leadership of the confederation, and Casimir on his 21st birthday took command of a detachment of partisans. For the next 3 1/2 years, in military campaigns against Russian forces that sought to put down the rebellion, the young commander proved his valor and genuine military talent in more than a dozen major actions and numerous skirmishes. In October 1771, Pulaski undertook one last major expedition as part of a plot to abduct the king. The plot misfired, but it led to the young Casimir being unjustly accused of attempted regicide and later, after he left the country, to a death sentence.
Fleeing Poland. When in 1772, Russia, Prussia, and Austria began negotiations to partition the Commonwealth, he and the other confederates saw the futility of continuing the struggle. In the face of the charges against him, he was forced to flee his homeland, never to see it again. Within months of his departure, the Commonwealth's aggressive neighbors agreed to divide over a quarter of its territory among them. The effort to defend the Commonwealth had failed, but the heroism of Pulaski and other confederates would inspire future generations of their countrymen. Meanwhile, Pulaski faced a difficult exile. After two years in Western Europe, he again joined battle against Russia, this time, on the side of the Turks.
Leaves for America.Their defeat forced him to return to France where, in the summer of 1776, he learned of America's war for independence and sought permission from the Americans to join their forces. Most American colonists were not yet enthusiastic in the support of the war, and George Washington, a commander-in-chief, needed battle-tested officers like Pulaski. Finally, in May 1777, Pulaski received a letter of recommendation from Benjamin Franklin, the American commissioner in Paris, and left for America, landing near Boston in July. In August, he reported to Washington's headquarters near Philadelphia.
Appointed general.On Washington's recommendation, the Continental Congress appointed Pulaski general of the cavalry on September 15, 1777. But even before his formal appointment, he demonstrated his value. At the battle of Brandywine Creek, where Washington's forces suffered a defeat, Pulaski led a counterattack that covered the retreat of the Americans and helped prevent a military disaster. Pulaski spent the winter of 1777 training his soldiers at Trenton, not far from Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge. He introduced new battle drills in an effort to transform them into a highly mobile force. But, realizing that the Americans did not share his conception of the cavalry as a separate combat force, Pulaski asked to be relieved of his position and allowed to form a special infantry and cavalry unit capable of more independent action.
Forming his own unit.With Washington's support, Pulaski gained the consent of Congress on March 28, 1778. It took Pulaski, regarded as "the father of the American cavalry," another five months to form his legion at his headquarters in Baltimore, where he recruited Americans, Frenchmen, Poles, Irishmen, and especially Germans; mainly deserters from the Hessian mercenaries employed by the British. But for some time the American command could not find a suitable role for Pulaski's legion, leading him again to request reassignment. Finally, on February 2,1779, he received orders to proceed to South Carolina to reinforce the southern American forces under British attack. Now Pulaski began his most active period of service in the war with the front line combat he sought. At the head of a troop of some 600, Pulaski arrived in Charleston in May 1779, just in time to contribute to its successful defense against a much larger British force, which after occupying Georgia was steadily advancing northward. This victory proved pivotal in the war in the South as it broke the British momentum and boosted American morale. What remained was to win back the territory that the British had occupied.
Battle of Savannah.Savannah became the fateful goal. Newly arrived French forces under Admiral Charles Henri d'Estaing together with the Americans planned a risky all out assault on the heavily fortified town. The siege began on October 9. The mission of the Pulaski Legion was to follow in behind the French infantry and break down the enemy's line of defense. But the French got caught in a cross fire, and d'Estaing himself was wounded. Awaiting the proper moment for his cavalry to enter the battle, Pulaski could see the infantry breaking ranks under heavy fire. To try to save the situation, he charged forward into the battle only to be grievously wounded himself. Carried from the battlefield, he was put on a ship to be taken back to Charleston, but never regained consciousness. On October 11, 1779, the 32 year old Polish commander died at sea, and was buried in Savannah.
America's recognition.Americans have always recognized Pulaski's heroism and the price he paid for their freedom. Shortly after his death a solemn memorial service was held in Charleston, and, before the end of 1779, the Continental Congress resolved that a monument should be erected in his honor, though a statue was not put into place in Washington, D.C., until 1910. Over the years Americans have kept alive his memory naming many countries, towns, streets, parks, and squares after him. Among those of Polish descent, his fame rivals that of Kosciuszko, who, after his service in the American Revolutionary War, returned to his homeland, where, in 1794, he led an insurrection against the same Russian domination that Pulaski had fought before coming to America. In his first letter to Washington, after arriving in America, Pulaski wrote, "I came here, where freedom is being defended, to serve it, and to live or die for it." He proved true to his word. For this, we honor him as a soldier of Liberty for all. In 1855 a monument to Pulaski designed by Robert Launitz is erected in Monterey Square in Savannah. In 1929 a monument to Pulaski is unveiled in Krynica, Poland; it is the first monument to Pulaski built on Polish soil. In 1967 the Casimir Pulaski museum in Warka-Winiary, Poland opens.
Casimir Pulaski 1747-1779: A Short Biography Written by, copied and modified with permission of: John J. Kulczycki, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Illinois at Chicago; see
WARSAW, Poland, Aug. 29 (UPI) -- A Polish envoy in Washington Wednesday described a U.S. visa policy as unjust, outdated and even humiliating to the people of Central Europe.
Janusz Reiter, Polish ambassador to the United States since 2005, urged U.S. authorities to rectify the country’s enter visa policy, Polish Radio reported.
In an article published in The Washington Post, Reiter admitted U.S. security concerns and fear of unwanted immigrants were acceptable.
However, Reiter said he couldn't understand why the Americans are building a barrier against visitors from Central European countries.
Nastepna Polska rodzina matka z pieciorga dzieci brutalnie deportowana z USA.
Jako Polak mieszkajacy w USA od 1987 jestem obuzony i bardzo dotkniety ta niesprawiedliwosca jaka ma miejsce w Stanach Zjednoczonym, krajy ktory ma byc tym symbolem wolnosci i sprawiedliwosci spolecznej.
Dlaczego ten system jest tak chory?
Gdzie Amerykanska Polonia byla w tedy?
Czy tak nasza wspolpraca ma wygladac?
Czy ojcowie zalozyciele tego kraju tego chcieli?
Czy to sa te specjalne relacje pomiedzy Polska a Stanami Zjednoczonymi?
Czy po to Polska jest tym glownym koalicjantem ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi?
Czy po to Polska wyslawa nasze wojsko do Kosovo, Haiti, Iraq, Afganistan, Golan Highs? Panama i wiele innych miejsc na swiecie?
Czy po to zginelo 20 polskich zolnierzy w Iraku?
Czy po to Generalowie Kosciuszko i Pulawski walczyli i wolnosc tego kraju?
Czy po to Polscy zolnienie walczyli i umierali w czasie II Wojny Swiatowej na wszyskich frontach. 4 armia koalicji przeciw Nazi Niemiec.
Czy takie mamy podzikowanie za z niszczenie komunizmu i wywalczenie wolnosci dla wielu krajow swiata?
Czy po to sie zgadzamy aby nowy system rakiet byl zlokalizowany w Polsce?
Tu w USA przymykaja oczy na terorystow, chandlarzy narkotykow, przestepcow
a deportuja utrzciwa, ciezka pracujaca rodzine Polska mieszkajaca w USA 21 lat, matke z pieciarga dzieci.
To jest chore, nieludzkie, niemoralne i trudne do zrozumienia dla kazdego czlowiega ze zdrowym rozsadkiem.
Co Polish American Congress robi w tej sprawie?
Podjada pierogi i bigos, wznasza toasty w Polskiej Ambasadzie w Waszyngtonie i takie mamy tego rezultaty.
Tak takie mamy rezultaty.
Gdzie ta pomoc prawna ? Jesli ta rodzina by dostala pomoc prawna w pore to nie bylaby deportowana. Gdzie wpolpraca z Polskim Rzadem i Liga Polskich Rodzin?
Co robi ten Komited do Wpolpracy z Polania?
Tu w USA i w Europie negatywne Polsce media wrencz szkaluja Polske i Polakow
A nasze polskie Ministerwo Spraw Zagranicznych, Polska Ambasada w Waszyngtonie, Kongres Polakow w USA nie robia rzadnej REPOSTY.
A byly minister spraw zagranicznych III Rzeczpospolitej porownuje 2 milionowa Polonie w Niemczej do dwuch milionow polskich prostytytek a Polske do „brzydkiej panny”
Bartoszewski powiedział jeszcze jedną, bardzo ciekawą rzecz; otóż na pytanie: dlaczego dwa miliony Polaków w Niemczech nie ma takich samych praw, jak o wiele mniej liczna mniejszość niemiecka w Polsce, Pan Bartoszewski odpowiedział (i tu cytuję dosłownie): „dwa miliony Polaków w Niemczech nie może mieć takich samych praw, jak mniejszość niemiecka w Polsce, ponieważ jest to dwa miliony polskich prostytutek”! Pierwszą nasuwającą się uwagą jest ta, że pan minister dał zapewne na poziomie europejskim popis chamstwa.
Czy my Polacy po to tych ludzi wybieramy?
Czy po to Polska wysyla Ambasadora do USA aby nie protestowaj kiedy honor naszej ojczyzny jest naruszany?
Tymbardziej ze glownie chodzi tutaj o male dzieci,ktore chodza to do szkoly i kazda taka systuacja zostawia slady do konca zycia w swiadomosci i psychice mlodego czlowieka.
This is ridiculous! What is wrong with our system? We let in terrorists, drug smugglers, criminals... you name it- but an honest, hard-working family is being deported? Truly an injustice...there must be someone out there that can help this family.
Co Polish American Congress robi w tej sprawie?
Podjada pierogi i bigos na roznych funkcjach i co z tego.
Takie mamy rezultaty. Gdzie ta pomoc prawna ? Jesli ta rodzina by dostala pomoc prawna w pore to nie bylaby deportowana? Tymbardziej ze glownie chodzi tutaj o maje dzieci ktore chodza to do szkoly i kazda taka systuacja powoduje niesamowity stress.
Teresa Zajac with her one-year-old daughter Stephanie, talks about her upcoming deportation back to Poland. Shot in their Garfield Heights home Friday July 20, 2007.
The Zajac family from L to R Dominic, 13, Alex, 2, mother Teresa, Stephanie, 1, Victoria, 5 and Michael, 15, talk about their upcoming deportation back to Poland. Shot in their Garfield Heights house, Friday July 20, 2007.
Immigrant family ordered to sell house and leave country.
Teresa Zajac with her one-year-old daughter Stephanie, talks about her upcoming deportation back to Poland. Shot in their Garfield Heights home Friday July 20, 2007. When Michael Zajac starts 10th grade, he might be speaking Polish in a country he has never even visited.
He and his four younger siblings expect to receive one-way tickets to Poland with their parents, Teresa and Stefan Zajac, who have lived in the country illegally for more than 20 years.
The Zajacs were ordered to leave the country more than 10 years ago and still have not gone.
Earlier this week, immigration officials arrested Stefan Zajac and told Teresa she has until the end of the month to pack up her family, sell their house and leave the country.
Once again, they're pleading for help from the Polish community and U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich.
Deportation looms for Garfield Heights family
Vic Gideon
Created: 7/19/2007 9:00:45 PM
Updated:7/20/2007 9:59:53 AM
GARFIELD HEIGHTS -- Teresa and Stefan Zajac have lived in the Cleveland area for almost twenty years, getting jobs, buying a house, and raising five children.
"I'm not fighting for myself, I'm fighting for my kids," says Teresa.
The five kids, ranging in age from one- to fifteen-years-old, were all born here so they're all U.S. citizens. But they'll leave if their parents go back to Poland.
"It's pretty bad because it's ripping my family apart," says Michael Zajac, ready to enter his sophomore year at Garfield Heights High School. "We've been together for so long, we've settled in. I've lived here my whole life."
Stefan was arrested on Monday and he will stay in jail until the children's passports arrive and the family heads to Poland, perhaps as early as this month.
The I.N.S. says the family apparently failed to meet some qualification in the Life Act, passed in 1997, causing the family to fight deportation for years.
"We're helpless," says Garfield Heights Mayor Thomas Longo, one of the family's advocates.
"Something's out of kilter and now you have all these actions taking place at the national level with the immigrations bills and things like that and it's almost impossible to keep up with that so who knows what's really happening."
Another advocate, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, issued this statement about the situation:
"This is a really sad day for the Zajac family and the community who knows them and of which they have been a part of for two decades. Unfortunately, my appeals to the Office of Legislative Affairs at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and to the relevant Congressional Committee did not result in an exception being made in the law for this family. Now we can all see how the U.S. immigration policy is breaking apart families that have lived here for more than 20 years."
Why can't I stay in this country?" asks Teresa. "I need to know."
"I'm keeping my hopes up," Michael adds. "We all have to stick together. "I hope there's something we can do. I know there's a solution. There has to be one"
The family doesn't currently have an attorney. Their former attorney says the family needs money for filing fees to try to reopen the case, money the family doesn't have
Alex Lech Bajan
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